Hace muchos años en un puerto de mar. Vivía una familia de pescadores. La cual estaba integrada por cinco personas: mamá, papá, y dos jóvenes adolescentes Javier y Alexander y la abuela Dionisia.
El joven Alexander estudiaba en la Marina Mercante, le gustaba navegar y se había criado en el mar junto a sus padres que eran unos pescadores.
Alexander le llegó el momento de dirigir la embarcación se sentía muy nervioso pero saltaba de la alegría. Su familia lo fue a despedir cuando la embarcación estaba a punto de zarpar. El recorrido de la embarcación era por todo el pacífico en busca de atunes. Alexander era el capitán de la embarcación de un gran barco atunero.
Se enfrentó a una gran tormenta pero con valentía pudo salir adelante y navego incansablemente hasta salir airoso de la gran tormenta. Sus padres todos angustiados lloraban en el muelle porque creían que la tormenta les había hecho perder el rumbo. La abuela Dionisia con su rosario rezaba incansablemente en una silla que coloco cerca del muelle.
La embarcación apareció después de siete días. Alexander muy contento y con su mejor sonrisa abrazó a su familia. Les contó lo que habían sufrido con la tormenta pero pudo combatirla. Celebraron juntos en familia con un delicioso pastel para celebrar la llegada de Alexander, brindaron y se sintieron felices compartir en familia.

Many years ago in a seaport. There lived a family of fishermen. The family consisted of five people: mom, dad, and two young teenagers, Javier and Alexander, and grandmother Dionisia.
The young Alexander was studying in the Merchant Navy, liked sailing and had grown up at sea with his parents who were fishermen.
Alexander's time to steer the boat came and he felt very nervous but he was jumping with joy. His family came to see him off as the boat was about to set sail. The boat's route was all over the Pacific in search of tuna. Alexander was the boat captain of a large tuna boat.
He faced a big storm but bravely made it through and sailed tirelessly until he made it through the storm. His anguished parents were crying on the dock because they believed that the storm had made them lose their way. Grandmother Dionisia with her rosary prayed tirelessly in a chair that she placed near the dock.
The boat appeared after seven days. Alexander was very happy and with his best smile hugged his family. He told them what they had suffered with the storm but he was able to fight it. They celebrated together as a family with a delicious cake to celebrate Alexander's arrival, they toasted and were happy to share as a family.
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