📱 The Quest For A New Mobile Phone

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 


Whilst many people are happy to upgrade their phone every couple of years and pay £50 per month for the privilege, I'm somebody who can't justify spending £600 per year to replace something that I like using and that already works.

My mobile phone is no different... when I bought a shiny new iPhone 5s many years ago, I bought the 's' model over the cheaper 'c' because I'd read it had a better processor and was better prepared for whatever changes Apple decide to thrust upon us in the future.

Despite Apple's best efforts to make my iPhone redundant, it's still going strong. Admittedly, it's my 3rd iteration of this model (the previous 2 broke) but if Apple really didn't want me using it any more, they'd have given me a newer model when it broke instead of another refurbished one.


Now might be the time though to replace my phone and move away from Apple's insistence that my technology is old before I make that decision for myself. I've looked around a bit and it seems that the importance of "mobile" in "mobile phone" is less important than it once was. Buying a new phone that's smaller than an average size laptop is proving to be difficult.

The Google Pixel 6 sounds impressive but I'd need 2 hands to ever use it. The iPhone 13 mini looks to be about the right size but will set me back something like £700 and Apple will decide it's too old again in a couple of years time.

I don't want to spend a fortune and I want a phone that's no bigger than the one I've currently got (4.7"). My preference is to move away from Apple and I plan to buy the phone outright (as it works out cheaper this way).

Any suggestions?

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