RE: Wikipedia. The go to source for information now?

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Wikipedia. The go to source for information now?

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

I fully share your opinion.

Wikipedia has suffered from the beginning from the harassment of the monopoly media whose services are all paid services.

They could never conceive how a gigantic worldwide library of any content could be free.

Jimmy Wales made it happen but there are also people paid to work and collect information. That is what our donations are for.

I have been consulting Wikipedia for more than 20 years and when I find information that is not correct it is probably because some user has deliberately included it for some obscure purpose.

Greetings @thequizshow and thank you for bringing us this nice memory.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The amount of effort put in is staggering and very nice to see by regular people and experts. Wikipedia is still a site I visit daily for one reason or another.

Thank you for the great comment, this is really appreciated.