living without the screens

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

I stopped using a mobile phone probably about a year ago.

I use a tablet, an iPad on a daily basic, I’m thinking of getting the new air, it’s a massive upgrade from the one I’ve got and it will make a number of tasks easier especially when i’m mobile and on the road more, less of a desktop situation to be concerned about.

In this process of looking at the new tech, evaluating, considering what new parts to add, the keyboard and the ability to use a mouse I hit a brick wall with it all.

I started thinking, do I even need/want a new device and technology in my life anyway if I’ve gotta upgrade these things every few years because some chipset got hacked or some software got into the App Store and exploited x, y and z.

Photo by Coline Haslé on Unsplash

Then I realised it would be probably near on impossible to live a human life on planet earth without some kind of access, some kind of screen into the world beneath the world of the natural world, it’s like we have these worlds opposite to the ones that breath and create life with in, in some ways, the digital side has removed us from the natural world we transition through.

In our cars, trains, planes, from spot to spot, ignoring the places in between like some kind of slideshow show reel of places that we don’t have the capacity to consider or think about, augmenting ourselves into realities that we believe as a person we belong too.

I’m really very interested in doing more with less, not just the cool and hip notion of minimalism but the very idea of removing as much digital from my life as possible. I’ve recently come to enjoy the physical labour of analog and movement, fuelling my body with aspects it’s been missing because I was slumped into a chair looking at a screen.

While I’ll never be able to be completely detached from some kind of screen, be it in the car with the dashboard screen for gps and media, all the phones and tablets or television sets of the world I see on a daily basis.

I’m certainly trying to adopt a more screen less experience of the world around me, maybe it’s the nature that’s consumed me, the peace of mind and the relaxing lift it gives me, asking nothing of me but providing everything, the complete opposite of screen life.

I don’t want to have to maintain an opinion about everything and everyone, I do however want to be hard wired into the now without the cross referencing of a million opinions of people sat in their underwear mad at the world that they assume they deserve more because of who they think they are — myself included.

I think the take away for me is less digital, more experiences, more movement, more lifting energy of seeing loved ones come back alive from the grey scale world of the switch and the flashing led of distraction, the power up sounds of promise that often deliver so little but take so much.

Humbling out my Mondaze,
I think I’ll get a walk in soon.

Have a great analog week when you can!

Cheers for Reading,
Humble x

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