A walk inthe cemetery

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

And this weeks walk shots are from couple of evening walks through the cemetery near our house, on a couple of days when I had not got as many steps as I wanted during the day I headed out a little before sunset and took a walk through the cemetery, got some steps in and a few shots for a post, these wont be in the order I took them but rather just shots I liked and edited for this post starting with this one, where I went for a more moody darker edit bringing out the blues.

WW Evening walks in Cemetery_5.jpg

Sony A7iii 24mm F8 1/40 ISO 100
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On the recent walks the sunsets haven't been that spectacular, but was still nice to getout for a walk, funny thing is two of the nights I was worn out and couldn't be bothered going for a walk we saw from our backyard or out the window some lovely colorful sunsets, nature teasing me LOL

Speaking of not so colorful this next shot I felt worked somewhat well in Mono

WW Evening walks in Cemetery_4.jpg

Sony A7iii 24mm F8 1/25 ISO 100
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I think these shots show its quite an old cemetery but may not show how wellit is maintained, it is always clean and well kept up, almost every day we see the ground team working there

WW Evening walks in Cemetery_3.jpg

Sony A7iii 24mm F8 1/20 ISO 100
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One night we did have a very short burst of nice colors which I captured in this next shot

WW Evening walks in Cemetery_2.jpg

Sony A7iii 44mm F8 1/60 ISO 100
Click here to view larger

you may think the colors in sky in this next shot are pretty good but i have to be honest they weren't i decided to play a little with a new feature i noticed in photoshop sky replacement, which I think worked quite well

WW Evening walks in Cemetery_.jpg

Sony A7iii 37mm F7.1 1/125 ISO 100
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