Solar Boil for Healthy Living

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

We live in a sun-hungry universe. It is necessary to benefit from the vitamins of the sun.

Sunbathing for a long time and not supplementing the water and minerals that the body loses through sweating can have negative consequences. For example:

Due to ultraviolet rays, hot weather and high humidity; sunburns, heat depression, heat stroke, skin cancers, cataracts may occur.
Sunburns in children can cause permanent cell damage.
Babies who sweat less than adults and children are more susceptible to hot flashes and dehydration.
Sunburns in children can cause weakening of the immune system.
Heat stroke can manifest itself with symptoms such as high fever, palpitation, frequent breathing, dryness and redness of the skin, severe headache, nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness.
People with white skin and thin skin may be more damaged by the sun than people with dark and thick skin.
Prolonged sun exposure can cause sunspots.

benefits of the sun
If you take precautions against the harmful effects of the sun's rays, you can benefit from the healthy effects of the sun. of sunlight; It has important benefits such as synthesizing vitamin D, improving bone health, strengthening the immune system, protecting brain health, removing excess fat from the body and strengthening teeth. The sun meets 90 percent of the body's need for vitamin D, and vitamin D is very important for bone health.

If you want to make the most of the sun's rays, you should first use a sunscreen cream with an SPF value suitable for your skin type and sunbathing time, pay attention to your diet and wear appropriate clothing. While benefiting from sunlight;

Even if you wear thin, light-colored, cotton clothes, you should use sunscreen cream.
You should take fluids in order not to experience hot depression due to intense heat and sweating in the sun and hot weather.
For effective sun protection, you should renew your sunscreen cream every 2 hours.
For sunbathing, you should choose between 10:00 and 10:30 in the morning, and between 16:00 and 17:00 in the afternoon.
You should also use sunscreen creams in cloudy weather to protect yourself from ultraviolet rays.
You should use a hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes from heat stroke and the sun.

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