Grow Bamboo at Home

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

Bamboo, which was used in the construction of boats and water pipes in Asia in ancient times, is one of the most water-resistant plant species. At the same time, these plants, which are used to protect trees from cold in winter, especially in Japan, can withstand even -20 degrees of cold.

Bamboo benefits

Bamboo does not contain any microbes as it is antibacterial. A used bamboo tablespoon is much healthier than an ordinary wooden spoon.

Bamboo flower is resistant to water. Does not absorb water or warp when exposed to water.

Bamboo flower, which is a nature-friendly plant, returns to nature and does not cause environmental pollution.


Bamboo products are completely natural because they are produced from the rawest form of the tree. For this reason, a bamboo item returns to nature after its useful life is over. Regardless of the shape of the bamboo product, it is actually the tree itself, blending into nature with other leaves and branches.

The antiallergenic substance named “Bamboo Kun” is a great comfort for sensitive skin. Because bamboo fiber is water resistant; Bamboo towels are used comfortably for long periods of time.

Bamboo socks also allow the feet to breathe and prevent the formation of odor and sweat. Bambuhalı is also known as silk carpet with its soft texture and shine. Bamboo carpet types are woven with bamboo yarn, which can be called a natural fiber.

You can create a different atmosphere in your living spaces with natural and artificial bamboo stick models. With a plastic bamboo stick, you can have fancy fences in your gardens and balconies. Bamboo sticks give unique scents to the places they are in, thanks to their special structure. Bamboo stick increases energy, motivation. Rain sound bamboo sticks also create a cozy atmosphere. Bamboo sticks are very popular as a meditation tool. The bamboo stick is also known as a musical instrument that can make the sound of rain. It reduces stress with its relaxing sound.

Small size bamboo sticks are also used as food tools. Their ability to be cleaned and reused makes them highly preferred in the kitchen. Bamboo chopsticks, which have been tested and approved for food contact and do not pose any health hazards, are used extensively in Far Eastern cuisine. Bamboo toy models attract people of all ages.

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