THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE GREEDY (In the life of a trainee accountant)...

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

During this journey we call life, we all are faced with many challenges, some of which would prove to be worse than others but regardless of what you achieve or conquer you will never really be ready for what awaits as you greet adulthood. For those who have been hit with the harsh yet most fulfilling years of your life, you will understand this article but for those who have not yet experienced the early years following their scholarly pursuits... pay... careful... attention...

Like everyone else on the planet, I have had my fair share of ups and downs and from one terrible instance to another I thought I had experienced it all however, I unfortunately but inevitably realized that I was so wrong. Coming from a broken home, dealing with my own failed relations, struggling to maintain my straight A aggregate and most of all preparing for what came next, I grew with pride as I persevered through it all. I knew the arrival into my adult years would bring upon many responsibilities but even with that thought I believed I could handle anything. I believed that all my hard work in university was going to pay off when I got the call for my first job interview. Confident in my abilities I knew I got the job before they could confirm and I started a week following my interview. I served three years of articles/training so that I could gain the necessary knowledge and skills to progress further in my field but I learned a whole lot more than just what I signed up for.

The first year proved to be the most difficult. I doubted myself more times than I can remember... I still do but perhaps that's one of my many flaws as an individual. I found myself constantly questioning my worth and value to the firm that I worked for. I met different people who became friends and some... let's just say not very nice people. I was scolded, over-worked, given ridiculous deadlines but nevertheless, I gained the most knowledge and confidence in my first year of working than I did in all my years of studying.

The second year was just as difficult as the first as I got to work with bigger clients and move up the ladder to this "intermediate" level as I like to describe it. By this time however, I became more aware of my surroundings. I began to observe and expand my attention to other areas apart from just work. I learnt a lot about people, both clients and colleagues. I found that the harder you work to achieve the goals you have set for yourself, there's at least two people calling you an "ass-sucker". When you don't perform as well or efficiently as you're expected to then you're automatically "stupid" or "incompetent".

Coming to the third year which should have been the most difficult year but by the time I had reached this level I understood and applied my mind more than ever. During this year I learnt more about myself than would have ever assumed I would have. I learnt that there's more to life than what others think of you. I learnt that I am capable of so much more than I was aware of. I learnt to focus on the bigger picture and I aimed for it. Things couldn't have been more clearer as I saw and understood my purpose. I was and am here for one reason and one reason only and that is to better myself.

The world as I have gotten to know it is inhabited with some shitty people who are going to tell you no; that are going to call you stupid; people who think they are better than you but that's okay. People like these will never understand that their biggest mistake in trying to bring you down is actually going to do the opposite. Use this as opportunities to not only prove them wrong but to prove to yourself that you are capable of so much more.

I have met people who exploit others for their own benefit and that is also good, let them. I guarantee that you will not only learn more about yourself and what you are capable of handling but you will also experience the satisfaction of getting the damn thing done and believe me, it is most rewarding!

I am grateful that my faith in others hasn't completely diminished as I was lucky to have met some genuine people during my journey... My mentor, for whom I think without during my first year on the job, would have been impossible; the few seniors along the way who were always sincere and patient when assisting or guiding me and of course the amazing colleagues who have become dear friends that keep me going every single miserable but bloody fulfilling day!

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