I hope everyone is well. I wish you all the best. Today I am giving you this message as a greeting message. I hope you all have a good time.Over the last few days I have seen on social sites everyone is celebrating the festival in different ways. I am thanking everyone.Today I will not say any more sorrows and will only say my good words which will actually encourage you.
People's lives with sorrow and joy I want to forget the past in this happy moment and keep myself a little mentally fresh for the time being.In the past we had a lot of fun and spent a lot of time at this festival but this time we are celebrating the festival in a slightly different way, I will write something about that.
I think our only prayer in the middle of this festival is that the world will be as healthy as before and that people will be able to go back to their normal lives. I think this is what everyone wants at the end of the day.Anyway I believe our awareness will lead us to something better and we think we are waiting for something better.
I believe that our darkness will soon be over and we can go back to a better life and that is what is waiting for us and we wish that we can breathe in a healthy world again.This time I spent the festival in my own house with a lot of effort. However, I wish everyone a happy yes, but I am giving a picture of the past and I think one day we will be waiting to get back to such a day. Happy Christmas. stay safe and happy.

A nice couple :) Mas'Allah.
Merry Christmas to you, too.
It is truly a shared wish that we can return to some kind of "normalcy" that resembles our pre-pandemic days. Hopefully in a short time things will improve for everyone.