I haven't written anything about myself for a long time, to be honest, I haven't written anything about myself for a long time, but I'm trying to say something about myself today.Almost everyone has more or less an idea about the condition of the earth. Six months ago, the condition of the earth was even more miserable when there was a lockdown all over the world.Like every other country in the world, our country is going through a lockdown and you know very well why the lockdown is going on.
A huge number of people have died in the first wave of the Corona all over the world, now I hear again that the second wave is coming. And the biggest thing is that we haven't got the antidote yet.In our country, as in every country, a huge number of people have died and are still dying, but the biggest thing is that many of us are doctors, health workers, nurses and others who are involved in various jobs as a frontline, they too have died and many have fallen seriously ill.I pray for all the people who have died and those who are sick .
Anyway when it comes to work, I have been constantly serving people in my private chamber since the time of the first corona period. When the outbreak of corona first started our job circular came from our government and I want to engage myself in the service of people so I apply for my job.I thought that our application would start soon but now six months have passed and now that winter has started again, it is being heard that the second phase of Corona may be very frightening and our government is in turmoil again.
Yesterday I saw a message on my mobile phone which means I have given the link of my admit card and I went to the link and downloaded the admit card and saw my exam on 12th December. Honestly, what I thought would happen 6 months ago, I saw it happened 6 months later. Now the preparation is not a very good one, but I am still trying to devote myself to the service of the people. Because many of our doctors, health workers and nurses have already died.
I don't know if I will pass the exam. If I pass, if the job is done, then I must promise that I will devote myself to human service. However, I don't know what is waiting for me.But friends, you will pray for me so that I can pass the exam and engage myself in the service of people. Thank you all.

I wish you the best. It is in times of crisis that more people are needed who are willing to work for the collective welfare.
thanks for your kind words.