Ways to be happy

in blurtlife •  4 years ago  (edited)

Is there really a way to be happy? There is a way, says a study from the University of Erasmus in the Netherlands. But this path is not eternal, but a little unfamiliar, a little strange.

According to the BBC, Ruth Weinhover, an emeritus professor at the university and director of the World Happiness Database, said the new study was the opposite of what was selected from data collected to find happy people for so long. Professor Root has long been working on the social conditions for people to be happy. He said the prerequisite for having such a long-term goal in order to be happy was somewhat in conflict with the results of new research.
Professor Root said, ‘People generally think that you need to have some kind of goal in order to be happy. But the reality is different. Studies have shown that unhappy people are more aware of their goals. Because they are eager to get something better in life. '


But the most interesting thing that has been found by analyzing a lot of data is that there is no relationship between finding meaning in life and being happy. Professor Root said, ‘Surprisingly, I found no connection between the two. According to this study, working life is the best way to be happy.

To be happy in life, you have to be active to get something, Root said. Why, why we are here the key to happiness is to be active rather than looking for answers to such questions.

But the good news that the World Happiness Database brings is that external conditions (such as money) are not necessary to be happy. Professor Root said, ‘Research has shown that we can make ourselves happy. Because happiness changes over time. This requires a good life, not a good environment. Older people are relatively wiser, so they are happier. '

According to data from the World Happiness Database, you are happy when the following things happen:

  • If you have a long relationship with someone

  • If active in politics

  • If busy at work

  • When you go out to eat and walk

  • If you nurture close friendship (of course, friendship does not increase if the number of friends increases)

Here are some more surprising facts to be happy with:

  • Those who do not drink alcohol at all, those who drink a small amount of alcohol, they are happier

  • In a society where women enjoy more rights, men are relatively happier

  • Men who think they are beautiful are happier than women who think they are beautiful

  • If you think you are more beautiful than you look, then you are happy.

  • Happiness decreases when you have a baby. But when they grow up and leave home, your happiness increases.

Professor Root said they created the study by analyzing the personal data of about 20,000 people.

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