A never-ending (seemingly) cycle of whale pain

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

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I remember too well the day I decided to join Hive. It felt pretty much like today trying to use Blurt properly for the first time! haha Why do they make these things so complicated?

So, I registered the other day. Simple enough. Downloaded Whalevault extension, sorted out keys, set up an account here. Tried to search for some friends that I knew were active here.

Search field. Check :-)
Type in user name. Check :-)
uh...erm...why did it just take me to Google search?
Follow link provided... no joy!

Ok, scrap that idea for now... let's just find a tag, check what type of articles are using it and go and engage, shall I? ;-)

I find myself on someone's post, read, yup that's interesting and useful. Let's drop an upvote....nope that doesn't work....my system is hanging....the timer is spinning and nobody is home. Right, cancel that thought. Maybe there's an issue with my blurt power or something. Let's just drop a nice comment. Comment written, let's post it .....waiting.....waiting.....................................................................still waiting............ timer is spinning ..................ok not happening! I ask around in discord and someone says oh yeah others were having issues today, seems like those who are new are affected. My friends say they can't find me on Blurt either...that my URL is hitting a broken page.....



Not sure why it would only be newbies but maybe I'll just try again later. I leave the blog having achieved nothing in particular.

Later comes... haha

I log in again... first stumbling block...doesn't want to let me log in. Aaargh... ok this is becoming painful. I see I have 3 Blurt webpages open...Yes! One of them still has me logged in from earlier. I see I have 2 followers. Yay. And people I know! I try to follow them back and some others I find in their followers that I know.... nothing happens except in Whale vault my outstanding actions has climbed to over 30.... as in things I have tried to do but the system refuses to do because it is ..."thinking about it , I guess"

And it keeps opening Whalevault with some error message that I don't have Proofofbrain.io linked... I was at a loss.
Eventually, I start exploring Whale Vault a bit more, see Hive in the dropdown, connect it and then just keep ticking boxes until the damn thing closes and my upvote, comment and follows all rush through. Probably not the brightest thing I have ever done, to blindly tick boxes on a blockchain, and a friend made me panic a bit about my nonchalance in impatience, but everything seems to be working ok now.

Now I have no idea how I got to where I am at...really because it was a mess tbh. But now I can follow, comment etc...And I'm trying to write this first post! I wonder if it will actually publish when I hit the "post" button lol.

I have no idea about the tags so have just copied someone else's generic-looking tags for now.

ok here goes...

ps: I have another proper post ready for publication. Let's see if this one goes first!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hahaha, the diary of a Blurt newbie! I see you hit a lot of snags though I have no idea why. I too struggled a little before I was able to get the hang of things. I guess that's the way it works with blockchains...
Also, you are so used to the way things run on Hive, so it takes a little adjusting here.
Thankfully, your first post dropped. That's why I'm able to comment! Yay 😄
Welcome to Blurt!

Thanks @kemmyb It was a right royal pain in the ....hee hee...but I'm here...finally....and now I can breathe. I need to create an introduce me post. Thank you for visiting my post and making sure I didn't feel all alone. Next up to visit you. I can't get my avatar into my profile pic lol. I create it and it is saved in my wallet but from there...no clue ;-)