Why Can't You Touch Your Opponent In A Fight?

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Every time you attack your opponent in a fight, you see he moves out of the attacking range. You might get frustrated because you cannot even touch your opponent, let alone hit him. But somehow, he moves and gets close to you while he attacks and quickly moves from there.

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Is this some kind of magic? You are good at kicking and punching. You have power in your strike and you are able to make some serious damage. But it will not do anything to your opponent if you cannot even touch him in a fight. From the outside, it seems funny why you cannot touch your opponent in a fight.

The footwork and the way your opponent moves can change everything. Because of your opponent's footwork, your every attempt to strike him can fail. You can easily guess how important it is to be good at footwork.

Whether you fight in a fighting competition or fight for self-defense, there is no way you can ignore the footwork. That's why you learn different footwork in your martial art training. You might think striking and blocking are everything. In order to strike and block, you need to be good at footwork.

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As you know, when you strike, you are at a certain distance. You move to get close to your opponent or make the distance from your opponent. When you are in a kicking range, you usually kick. To punch your opponent, you should be in a punching range. Again you cannot do some strikes from kicking range. For example, elbow strikes, foot stomp, and so on.

In case you are too close to your opponent, sometimes your block and parry will not work. It is not that you are not doing parry and block properly. You are too close, and that's why you get hit. The good thing is, you can move fast and use the distance as a defense. You do not need to parry or block to defend since you move out of the attacking range.

So what do you think about footwork in a fight? Please feel free to share your thoughts and experience in the comments below. Thank you so much for reading this post.

Stay safe. Always be happy!

Image Source: 1, and 2.

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, finance, and digital marketing. You can visit my website rezoanulvibes.com. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Super stoked to see you sharing your wisdom here too 👊

Glad to see you here too :)