Verbal and Nonverbal Communication In A Fight

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

So are you afraid, huh? Come and show me what you got. You're ****.

A fight starts with communication. It can be verbal communication or nonverbal communication. When there is a fighting match, participants know what is going to happen. They are informed with verbal communication. It is clearly stated that what they have to follow in a fight and what they can or cannot do.

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication In A Fight.jpg

Your opponent might influence you with his attitude or saying something outside of the ring. Whether it is verbal or nonverbal, the message you get, that's important. You can make a decision noticing that.

You can see something interesting when there is a fight in real life. People usually cross their boundaries and get into the other's personal space when something is about to happen.

Sometimes you see one guy is shouting and it seems he is going to attack, his friend gets close to the victim from another side and suddenly attacks the victim. When you talk to someone and that guy misbehaves with you, if you completely focus on that person and do not see the surrounding, it will difficult to detect the threat and defend yourself against a surprise attack from another attacker.

So if you see only verbal communication and ignore the nonverbal communication, you can miss the whole point. When someone says something like So are you afraid, huh? Come and show me what you got. You're ****, the attacker wants you to get close to him and do something. You're not afraid, so you think you will get close to him and shout at him like he is doing.

Pay attention to verbal and nonverbal signals for self defense.jpg

If you have a clear mind, you can make the right decision. In a situation like this, you can do something out of anger or emotions. Whether you make the distance or get close to the attacker, that's up to you. If you want to avoid the fight, it is better to make the distance. From distance, you can see the attacker clearly and even he is going to attack you, you will have the time to respond, defend, or counter-attack.

If you want to attack first as a defense, you can get close to him. Again if you do something driven by ego, anger, and emotions, the end result might not be something you expect.

Thank you so much for reading this post. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Stay safe. Always be happy!

Image Source: 1, and 2.

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