Get It Right, Speed and Power In Martial Art Training

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

If you follow some basics, you will learn martial arts better and faster. As a beginner, you do not need to focus on a lot of things. You start your training with basic exercises. When you get warm-up, you can go on practicing different moves.

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Sometimes students start practicing different moves without doing the warm-up. You can get hunt only because you start practicing martial arts without a warm-up. Take some time and do stretching. To practice high kick, stretching can help you a lot. You can kick high and make different moves easily.

When you practice martial arts, pay your full attention to it, otherwise, you cannot learn properly. Keep practicing the basic moves regularly. Here is the most important thing when you learn any new move. Watch the moves when your instructor shows you and do your best to imitate that. You do not need to understand why you need to move in a certain way. You will understand that later.

Just follow your instructor and do exactly what he/she says. Some students try to make the new moves fast and focus on speed. When you learn any new move, you should focus on accuracy. Yes, speed matters but it will be no use if you cannot get it right. First, learn the moves and get it right. Show your moves to your instructor.

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You might think that you are doing it right but your instructor can show you if there is any mistake. Keep practicing slowly. Have patience, there is no rush. You will be happy to see your progress after a certain period of time.

You can practice martial art moves in front of the mirror. You can see your moves and figure out what you are not doing right. When you get it right, you can focus on speed and power. When you punch, kick, do elbow strike, or palm strike with accuracy, speed, and power, it will have a huge impact.

You should practice these moves on your own first and then you can ask your training partner and do sparring with him to see how it applies in a fight. You can use a punching bag or kick bag to strike and see how it feels when making the move.

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