Blurt Thoughts: How Do We Stay Interested in Things?

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Like it holds true for many people, I have been busy. Busy with the basic things of life.

Perhaps it also holds true for many people that when we get really busy with things we have to do, we end up pushing things we merely want to do into the background, or we simply forget about them.


In this case, I am guilty of having forgotten that I started a blog here...

The Red Dragonfly art blog ran for a pretty long time on Steem, but I decided I had had enough when the whole Justin Sun debacle unfolded.

I think it's very difficult to stay interested in things when it becomes evident that something promising turns into little more than a neglected desert of sorts.


It's easy to use the tired old excuses like "You have NO idea how much work it is to run blah, blah, blah, blah..."

Having run not one, but two brick-and-mortar gallery/shops, actually I do. And I also know that simply "having a brilliant idea" is not enough... you have to be willing to relentlessly develop and market that idea in order to succeed.

Along those same lines, what keeps people Interested is the sense that a venue; a business; an idea is dynamic and constantly under improvement.

At least that works for me.

Happy weekend to you, thanks for having a look, and till the next one!

Post 9/Created November 15th, 2020

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