Life of a Busy person

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone
How are you all?

Today I am going to tall you about my life style and its change
Life is very simple and the common thing is its change every time . some are good for people and some are not much good . But we need to accept all the change and try to adjust with this . its helps us survive and make our life better . lets talk about my life and its change and before and after .

Turning point of my life change is getting a job again.. so lets talk about this


My life style was very boring. I was spending all day without doing anything . spending all time in computer and some time traveling some place . this was my simple life style . . wake up at late morning and than brush and fresh time . after this trying to sleep again. After few moment complete breakfast . then start working in computer . spending time with doing some work and some time spending time watching youtube , this time was very boring for me . at lunch time complete lunch at late time and sleeping all day .. at afternoon spending time with friends. And back to home at evening . its was my simple and boring day time . in evening time eating some snacks and then chill with fiends . this is my life style . at night working in computer and spending most of time in there . and sleep . actually I don’t like this kinds of work . I hate this . and its too bring for me .

Spending all day with out doing anything is too boring for me . I don’t like this kinds of life . I was always thinking to change my life . get a job and then change my life style. Its very important for every one . before this I was working with a company and spending most of theme here. But because of some problem and my education I quite this job and at first complete my graduation .


After get a job I am became very busy and engage with my work. Even I don’t get time for hive and online . early in the morning wake up and get ready for my office . complete my breakfast and then going to my office . my office is fare from my home . its almost take 45 minuets to reached there. Spending team with my team and others . working hard . even I didn’t get time for other and have a look at hive . today I get few minuets s clicks some photos of my office . there are too much workers responsibility in my hand to I have too much work to do every day . I am only one single officer here to maintain them . so you can easily understand that it’s a very hard woke to do . well I am back to home at evening and get much tired . to taking res and some time going to market for so see and meet some friends .

So this is my life now . its much busy time and also very inserting time for me . experience new people and working in new environment is amazing feelings for me . I love to work new place . with new people.

Change is good . its make people better . some are working in same place and they don’t know what happened others place and changing lifestyle is also good for everyone . we have to accept this and continue with new lifestyle . many people are disagree to this change . but every place is changed one day . everyone is replaced true and every time we are changing our life style . the most important thing is what is new in the place and in this life style . how to improve this and how to get the better position is important. I don’t know its good form me or not . but I am accept and try to manage everything . try to make this life better and also try to upgrade my life style . I want more and more change in my life . I don’t like to stay in a place as a long time . I am always upgradable and updatable and waiting for the best place … when I am satisfied then am stop myself .. se be change and upgrade your self..

Thanks for your time

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