in blurtlife •  4 years ago  (edited)


Author: @r2cornell


I am going to try and work on two publications at the same time. This one will share some snow photography and some of my indoor gardening.

Voy a intentar trabajar en dos publicaciones al mismo tiempo. Esta compartirá algunas fotografías de la nieve y algo de mi jardinería de interior.

I would like to share with you a web browser that allows you to earn tokens by using the browser and by POS (Proof-of-Stake).

Me gustaría compartir con ustedes un navegador web que le permite ganar fichas mediante el uso del navegador y por POS (Proof-of-Stake).

Introducing Netbox web browser, which pays you for using it and for staking their tokens.

I have been using a web browser that rewards users for using the browser. I have been using Netbox since last spring and find it a very stable. In the past I tried using Brave and for some reason all my tokens were “used up”. I have no idea why. I no longer will invest in the "Brave token".

With Netbox I even bought some NBX when the price dipped last summer. I have 34,000 staked and earn between 10 and 11 NBX daily for staking. I also earn NBX daily for using the web browser. I do not earn a lot for usage, but when my total NBX, but it continues to increase. They had been giving out 20 NBX when signing up and downloading the browser, but that may have been for a limited amount of time. I know that by using my referral link we each get one NBX then by using it for one month we each get 9 more NBX. Of course if you "stake" what you have, you will begin earning from "staking" and using the web browser.

Current price is $0.022815. Maximum supply is to be 100,000,000. Currently circulating supply is 76,627,065 NBX.
“Netbox (NBX) describes itself as a decentralized web browser with an integrated blockchain node. Its Netbox Wallet is credited with rewards for browser usage.”

“A browser is a product that is an entry point to the Internet and its users are a huge community that is committed to network transparency and self-regulation. That is why we decided to create a blockchain-based Netbox.Browser, which users are distributed around the world and are able to join their forces to create a new transparent Internet access tool. The Netbox.Global infrastructure and its key product - Netbox.Browser - are the tools in the hands of a wide community of users, each and every one of which has and exercises their right to have a free global network owned by them.”

Here is my referral link to try out the Netbox web browser: Send me a message and I will get you a referral link. Currently I can only have 3 links at a time. Once someone signs up I can get a replacement link. In the event I send a referral link and it is not used I can reuse it.

Introduciendo el navegador web Netbox, que te paga por usarlo y por apostar sus fichas.

He estado usando un navegador web que recompensa a los usuarios por usar el navegador. He estado usando Netbox desde la primavera pasada y lo encuentro muy estable. En el pasado intenté usar Brave y por alguna razón todos mis tokens se "agotaron". No tengo ni idea de por qué. Ya no invertiré más en la "ficha de Brave".

Con Netbox incluso compré un poco de NBX cuando el precio bajó el verano pasado. Tengo 34.000 apostados y gano entre 10 y 11 NBX diarios por apostar. También gano NBX diariamente por usar el navegador web. No gano mucho por el uso, sino cuando mi NBX total, pero sigue aumentando. Habían estado dando 20 NBX al registrarse y descargar el navegador, pero eso puede haber sido por un tiempo limitado. Sé que al usar mi enlace de referencia cada uno de nosotros obtiene un NBX y al usarlo durante un mes cada uno obtiene 9 NBX más. Por supuesto que si "apostar" lo que tienes, comenzarás a ganar por "apostar" y usar el navegador web.

El precio actual es de 0,022815 dólares. El suministro máximo será de 100.000.000. El suministro actual es de 76.627.065 NBX.

"Netbox" (NBX) se describe a sí mismo como un navegador web descentralizado con un nodo de cadena de bloqueo integrado. Su cartera Netbox se acredita con recompensas por el uso del navegador".

"Un navegador es un producto que es un punto de entrada a la Internet y sus usuarios son una enorme comunidad que está comprometida con la transparencia de la red y la autorregulación. Por eso decidimos crear un Netbox.Browser basado en una cadena de bloques, cuyos usuarios están distribuidos por todo el mundo y pueden unir sus fuerzas para crear una nueva herramienta transparente de acceso a la Internet. La infraestructura Netbox.Global y su producto clave - Netbox.Browser - son las herramientas en manos de una amplia comunidad de usuarios, todos y cada uno de los cuales tiene y ejerce su derecho a tener una red global gratuita de su propiedad".

Aquí está mi enlace de referencia para probar el navegador web Netbox: Envíame un mensaje y te conseguiré un enlace de referencia. Actualmente sólo puedo tener 3 enlaces a la vez. Una vez que alguien se registre puedo obtener un enlace de reemplazo. En el caso de que envíe un enlace de referencia y no se utilice, puedo reutilizarlo.

It does not appear as though you can use NETBOX on a smart phone. It does work on a PC/laptop.

No parece que puedas usar la NETBOX en un teléfono inteligente. Funciona en un PC/portátil.

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We have had a few snowfalls already this season. Some were earlier than normal. The above photograph was taken with my Android Note 9 phone, as is the next photograph. As of this writing the weather has warmed and we have had rain and it has melted all the snow. The one above is in front of my house, and the following photo is from my back yard.

Ya hemos tenido algunas nevadas esta temporada. Algunas fueron más tempranas de lo normal. La fotografía anterior fue tomada con mi teléfono Android Note 9, al igual que la siguiente fotografía. Al momento de escribir esto el clima se ha calentado y hemos tenido lluvia y se ha derretido toda la nieve. La de arriba está frente a mi casa, y la siguiente foto es de mi patio trasero.


I do enjoy when it snows and appreciate the winter months, even when it leads to extra work. But, I do enjoy gardening indoors during these months. I want to share some of my growing plants. This first tomato plant I may have had a photo previously, but this plant continues to provide me cherry tomatoes. I have been growing this one indoors since last spring.

Disfruto cuando nieva y aprecio los meses de invierno, incluso cuando me lleva a un trabajo extra. Pero, disfruto de la jardinería en el interior durante estos meses. Quiero compartir algunas de mis plantas en crecimiento. Esta primera planta de tomate puede que haya tenido una foto anteriormente, pero esta planta sigue proporcionándome tomates cherry. He estado cultivando esta en el interior desde la primavera pasada.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor


I have quite a few newer plants that I am growing from suckers on the original plant. Some are starting to set fruit.

Tengo bastantes plantas nuevas que estoy cultivando de los chupones de la planta original. Algunas están empezando a dar frutos.


This next photograph shows some micro-greens that I grow for salads (top shelf) and some Bok Choy I am growing hydroponically. I found the following on Wikipedia: "What exactly are micro-greens?
Micro-greens are vegetable greens (not to be confused with sprouts or shoots) harvested just after the cotyledon leaves have developed (and possibly with one set of true leaves). ... They range in size from 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.6 cm), including the stem and leaves." This photograph shows Swiss Chard, broccoli, a salad mix, pea shoots, and kale. I also grow sunflower shoots (not shown). I will share additional photos in the future, because I will be growing all winter. I will try and use my Cannon camera when I do.

La siguiente fotografía muestra algunos micro-verdes que cultivo para ensaladas (estante superior) y algunos Bok Choy que cultivo hidropónicamente. Encontré lo siguiente en Wikipedia: "¿Qué son exactamente los micro-verdes?
Los micro-verdes son vegetales verdes (no confundir con los brotes o brotes) cosechados justo después de que las hojas de cotiledón se han desarrollado ... Su tamaño oscila entre 2,5 y 7,6 cm, incluyendo el tallo y las hojas". Esta fotografía muestra a la acelga, el brócoli, una mezcla de ensalada, brotes de guisante y col rizada. También cultivo brotes de girasol (no se muestra). Compartiré otras fotos en el futuro, porque estaré creciendo todo el invierno. Intentaré usar mi cámara Cannon cuando lo haga.


I have been eating two salads a day. In the following photo the tomatoes are from my garden and I have them stored in a cool place. The cucumbers are from market as are the green olives. I sometimes add fruit to my salads.

He estado comiendo dos ensaladas al día. En la siguiente foto los tomates son de mi jardín y los tengo guardados en un lugar fresco. Los pepinos son del mercado, así como las aceitunas verdes. A veces añado fruta a mis ensaladas.


This brings us to the end of my publication. I trust the photos are to your liking. I have been working on a second publication with flower photographs. It should be uploaded soon. Thank you very much for visiting.

Esto nos lleva al final de mi publicación. Confío en que las fotos sean de su agrado. He estado trabajando en una segunda publicación con fotografías de flores. Debería ser subido pronto. Muchas gracias por su visita.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hi @r2cornell !
I am ready to try this Netbox browser. Maybe I will stop using it or I will use it all the time, in any case, at least you will benefit from the referral program :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Here is a referral link for NBX. It is only good for a one time use. When you get wallet downloaded and blockchain synched you should receive 20 NBX. Plus you will receive 1 NBX on day one, 3 on day 7, and 6 (I think( on day 30). You will earn by using browser and by staking NBX.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you friend @r2cornell
I used your referral link and installed this browser. True, my wallet is still completely empty and I don't really understand what needs to be done here in order to earn tokens.
But I'll try to use it as a browser for its intended purpose :Р

Your micro greens look great, it must be great to be able to grow your own food, especially to make a salad with tomatoes grown by yourself. Last year my dad grew tomatoes and had a good harvest, I was able to eat some. Thanks for the information about the browser.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Your welcome. I will do more posts on my indoor gardening.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yes, winter is getting here. We haven't really had any of the white stuff yet, but the freeze level is slowly creeping down the mountains across the bay, and we did get a little "wintry mix" the other night. The snow does look very pretty, but I really don't want to be out driving around in it!

We've winterized our outdoor garden and now it's basically just the hardy herbs growing, along with a few "late" carrots that will end up in stews and such. Haven't yet taken on a full indoor project... but we'll be starting seedlings later in the winter.

Interesting what you mentioned about the Brave browser... I used it for quite a while, but somehow I was never able to earn anything with it... so I'm also in the "not impressed" camp, at least for the moment.

All the best to you!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I am much happier with Netbox. Just as I did with the Brave browser I bought tokens. Unlike the Brave Browser, my tokens grow and not disappear. And I am earning

Winter can be a wonderful time.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Tomato is a really tasty vegetable. I like to eat tomatoes a lot. I also grow tomatoes at home. Because pesticide-free tomatoes are not available in the market. Thank you very much sir for sharing such a beautiful post with us.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Your welcome.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much sir for supporting my comment. 😍😍😍

Feliz y bendecido domingo Sr. @r2cornell

Wuau!!! que hermosas fotografias de nevadas, provoca estar allí, porque yo no conozco la nieve, espero conocerla algún día.

Su planta de tomate esta hermosa, Dios se la bendiga y los cultivos hidropónicos se ven geniales, hace algún tiempo teniamos planes para instalar un sistema en casa, pero cuando llego la crisis económicas, por los costos, a la final no lo pudimos llevar a cabo, pero quizas algún día lo pongamos en práctica.

Le envio muchas bendiciones y le deseo una semana muy productiva.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Encuentro que el cultivo de micro-verduras es menos costoso que la hidroponía. He disminuido el número de unidades y me he centrado en los Micro-verduras y por supuesto en mis plantas de tomate. Me ha llevado muchos años encontrar este tomate cherry que se desarrolla bien bajo la luz.

Me alegro de que hayas disfrutado de las fotos de la nieve.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yes, Winter has arrived. But I love winter.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It is beautiful to look in when it has first fallen.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Wow what a cutting edge beauty. Word less really wordless. Winter is lovely pretty handsome. But dear @r2cornell sir you must aware of pandemic corona. I requested honorable sir you must obey whole health code.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I am very careful with going places since Covid. All my meetings are video-chat or just via phone. I do not go many places. I live in a very rural area so less of an issue compared to living in a town. I have several masks in each of our vehicles and carry hand sanitizer with me. My wife has more than 1 condition that compromises her immune system. So, careful I am.

Yes! I also know that you are careful person. Corona Virus now again start second step to spread. I always use hand sensitize everywhere and every time. I am student so no way to stop my study. For this reason some times goes out side of home.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Cases of Covid have increased significantly locally. I am gratful to live on a parcel of land with my closest neighbor being my daughter. I minimize my trips into town and only go where I have to

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Perhaps I will say words that are not customary to say now. This is for the crown. The fact is that there is no protection against this virus. He will still come to visit everyone. A mask and gloves will not help, and walking in a gas mask is not very convenient))
But the fact that he came to you does not mean that you will get sick. Once upon a time the flu also came to us. He also came to each of us. Most people have had the flu. Someone died from subsequent complications. The mortality rate from influenza, however, is higher than that from the corona.
The fear that the media is catching up with is much more harmful than this virus. I am not saying that you can kiss everyone on the street, but the usual measures of hygiene and keeping distance are sufficient for prevention.
And the main thing is your own immunity.
By living in the countryside and growing vitamins for your table, you take good care of your immunity.
I like your green and white photos
I've already started thinking about using my windowsill ... :D

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

May Allah bless you. Your life will be smooth and prolong.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I loved everything, it's good that you can enjoy your harvest, now it causes me to eat a delicious salad like the one in the photo

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Happy Sunday sir. Netbox is really a good browser but Brave is popular browser and bat is huge potential token. Maybe you didn't stop auto contribute option that's why your bat tokens were used up. I suggest you to enter brave reward option and stop auto contribute. By the way...i enjoyed the beautiful photographs. Have a nice day.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

All my tokens are gone from Brave so I am not happy with them. Never understood why they took my tokens and i only lose so much and call it quits. I do not have a problem with Netbox. I anticipate in time it will catch up with Brave in value. So for now I am just keep collecting tokens and staking them. I have not lost any of my tokens on Netbox.

I also same problem on Brave Browser. Is so critical process. So I avoid now that also.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

The beauty of winter is perfected when it is very cold and snowy all around. In fact, too much cold and too much snow can paralyze public life. However, I like snow a lot but it does not snow in our country because it is a temperate region. But I wish I could go to Europe or America if I ever get the chance, just to enjoy the winter and the snow.
Like to read your post....

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks. Winter can be great. I do not mind shoveling and plowing it when we get too much.

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