in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Author: @r2cornell


I hope you enjoy the beauty of the above rose. I see it as a refreshing beginning, kind of like I view Blurt.

Espero que disfrutes de la belleza de la rosa de arriba. La veo como un comienzo refrescante, como si viera crecer a Blurt.

I am leading into a very important topic. As I experience the growth with Blurt, I am finding many users who are posting the same type of posts. I am finding introductions that sound the same. I even found two introduction for the same user, yet with different photos. This is reminding me of past issues on Steemit and then on Hive where users with multiple accounts were "farming" for votes. This is quite disheartening and I almost had me quit posting on the other platforms. I do not want this to happen here on Blurt.

Me estoy dirigiendo a un tema muy importante. A medida que experimento el crecimiento con Blurt, estoy encontrando muchos usuarios que están publicando el mismo tipo de mensajes. Estoy encontrando introducciones que suenan igual. Incluso encontré dos introducciones para el mismo usuario, pero con fotos diferentes. Esto me recuerda a ediciones anteriores en Steemit y luego en Hive donde los usuarios con múltiples cuentas estaban "cultivando" para los votos. Esto es bastante descorazonador y casi me hace dejar de postear en las otras plataformas. No quiero que esto suceda aquí en Blurt.

I am writing about this to give warning to any would be spammers or vote "farmers" that my main tool is to mute suspected users and to block them from my Discord Community. You think you might make some extra Blurt, yet in the past I have been ruthless in muting such users. It is time consuming yet a necessary thing for me to do. I do not want to see Blurt go the way of Hive and Steemit. It is very time consuming for me, yet if I am to continue up-voting comments on my posts (for both my curation account and my personal account) I will need to take some action. Seeing it is taking me awhile to complete this publication I have been muting accounts. If someone's name shows up in a wallet for someone I am muting i usually mute who ever had a transaction in that wallet.

Escribo sobre esto para advertir a cualquiera que sea spammers o voten "granjeros" que mi principal herramienta es silenciar a los usuarios sospechosos y bloquearlos de mi Comunidad de la Discordia. Crees que harás algún Blurt extra, pero en el pasado he silenciado a tales usuarios. Es algo que consume mucho tiempo pero que es necesario que haga. No quiero ver a Blurt ir por el camino de Hive and Steemit. Es muy largo para mí, pero si voy a continuar votando comentarios en mis mensajes (tanto en mi cuenta de curador como en mi cuenta personal) tendré que tomar algunas medidas. Al ver que me está llevando un tiempo completar esta publicación he estado silenciando cuentas. Si el nombre de alguien aparece en la cartera de alguien a quien estoy silenciando, suelo silenciar a quien haya tenido alguna vez una transacción en esa cartera.

The time it takes me to check out users, will take away more of my precious time on creating quality content. I have been actively checking things out. You can check suspicious users wallets and "follow the money trail" to find multiple accounts for one person. Nothing wrong with multiple accounts. I have 5 that transferred over from Hive during the fork, and then created the curation account on Blurt. But, I do not use those accounts to spam or farm for votes.

El tiempo que me lleva revisar a los usuarios, me quitará más de mi precioso tiempo en la creación de contenido de calidad. He estado comprobando activamente las cosas. Puedes revisar las carteras de los usuarios sospechosos y "seguir el rastro del dinero" para encontrar varias cuentas para una persona. No hay nada malo con las cuentas múltiples. Tengo 5 que se transfirieron desde Hive durante el bifurcación, y luego creé la cuenta de curación en Blurt. Pero, no uso esas cuentas para hacer spam o cultivar para los votos.

I would like to provide some advice to all users that frequent my posts and our reports from my curation account. Focus all your energy on one account. Focus on providing quality content. I am most interested in unique posts and not posts that sound and look the same. Many users are working on their smart phones, so even though they may not have a fancy camera they have their smart phone to take photographs. Instead of using stock photos from the internet, even though you may quote the source, instead post your own work. I will not be voting on content that is only a photograph and few words. With regard to the text, make sure your writing is your own. Be personable. Remember Blurt is a Social Platform.

Me gustaría dar algunos consejos a todos los usuarios que frecuentan mis mensajes y nuestros informes desde mi cuenta de curador. Concentren toda su energía en una cuenta. Concéntrese en proporcionar un contenido de calidad. Me interesan más los posts únicos y no los posts que suenan y se ven igual. Muchos usuarios están trabajando en sus teléfonos inteligentes, así que aunque no tengan una cámara elegante, tienen su teléfono inteligente para tomar fotografías. En lugar de usar fotos de archivo de Internet, aunque puedas citar la fuente, publica tu propio trabajo. No votaré por un contenido que es sólo una fotografía y pocas palabras. Con respecto al texto, asegúrate de que tu escritura es tuya. Sé amable. Recuerda que Blurt es una plataforma social.

I am going to share some of this information with my curators so they too can take the necessary action. I hope that others that read this information will also take action to minimize this issue. In the past, on the other platforms, I reached the point that if I had any doubts I just mute users and block users. I believe on the other platforms it had to be over a thousand users I muted. With that said i only had two users approach me to resolve the issue, and I found I had made a mistake. The rest did not approach me. Some went to other aliases and would try again.

Voy a compartir parte de esta información con mis conservadores para que ellos también puedan tomar las medidas necesarias. Espero que otros que lean esta información también tomen medidas para minimizar este problema. En el pasado, en las otras plataformas, llegué al punto de que si tenía alguna duda silenciaba a los usuarios y los bloqueaba. Creo que en las otras plataformas tenían que ser más de mil usuarios los que silenciaba. Dicho esto, sólo tenía dos usuarios que se acercaban a mí para resolver el problema, y me di cuenta de que había cometido un error. El resto no se me acercó. Algunos fueron a otros alias y lo intentaron de nuevo.

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I am known to have some editorial comment on such topics as above, before I share my photographs. I much rather focus on my photography, and other positive things, yet certain information and thoughts are necessary for the good of the platform. Now let us move on to some photography...

Se me conoce por tener algún comentario editorial sobre temas como el anterior, antes de compartir mis fotografías. Prefiero centrarme en mi fotografía, y otras cosas positivas, pero cierta información y pensamientos son necesarios para el bien de la plataforma. Ahora pasemos a la fotografía...

This next photograph was taken a year or two ago and is a very small flower. I believe it is a wildflower that grows on my property.

La siguiente fotografía fue tomada hace uno o dos años y es una flor muy pequeña. Creo que es una flor silvestre que crece en mi propiedad.


I always enjoy the change of seasons and take many photos of my barn with the scenery behind it. In this photo you can barely make out the mountain because of the clouds.

Siempre disfruto del cambio de estaciones y tomo muchas fotos de mi granero con el paisaje detrás de él. En esta foto apenas se puede ver la montaña debido a las nubes.


Here is a lily that I planted last year.

Aquí hay un lirio que planté el año pasado.


This next photo is a macro-view of Ageratum. It is a beautiful flower by its own rights, yet the macro-view is fantastic.

La siguiente foto es una vista macro de Ageratum. Es una hermosa flor por derecho propio, pero la vista macro es fantástica.


I saved this unique petunia for last. I do not recall the name. I also have photos of a purple one.

Guardé esta petunia única para el final. No recuerdo el nombre. También tengo fotos de una púrpura.


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This brings me to the end of this week's publication. I hope you enjoyed the photographs that I have shared. I also hope you got something out of what I wrote at the beginning. I encourage those who see someone who is blacklisted, or has more than one account to mute them. I know it costs a small fee, but if we let this continue they will ruin Blurt.

Esto me lleva al final de la publicación de esta semana. Espero que hayan disfrutado de las fotografías que he compartido. También espero que hayas sacado algo de lo que escribí al principio. Animo a los que vean a alguien que esté en la lista negra, o que tenga más de una cuenta, a que los silencien. Sé que cuesta una pequeña cuota, pero si dejamos que esto continúe, arruinarán a Blurt.

I have dealt with quite a few over the last couple of days. It is my experience that they try again with new user names. One of these that got blacklisted had created multiple accounts. Not all accounts were being used. These people are not always very creative because I have found the same users that got muted on Hive and Steemit.

*He tratado con bastantes en los últimos días. Según mi experiencia, lo intentan de nuevo con nuevos nombres de usuario. Uno de ellos que fue puesto en la lista negra había creado múltiples cuentas. No todas las cuentas estaban siendo usadas. Estas personas no siempre son muy creativas porque he encontrado los mismos usuarios que fueron silenciados en Hive y Steemit.

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I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon camera that I use from time to time. Wildlife is usually taken by a stationary trail camera that takes photos based on motion.

Estoy usando una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto donde se indique. Tengo una vieja cámara PowerShot Canon que uso de vez en cuando. La vida silvestre es generalmente tomada por una cámara estacionaria de senderos que toma fotos basadas en el movimiento.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Beautiful rose, tender ... The photo of the barn I like precisely because of the clouds that are observed in the background.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Sir, you have discussed about very inportant isssue. I hope you should publish the account who do that. And if i am in that list please tell me. I always try to avoid this type of act. But if there are some act like that is done by me,please help me. I dont want to do so.... I am very happy on blurt and persons like you.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You do not need to worry. I see no indication that you are doing anything wrong. Enjoy the photos.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you sir. Your help is always great for me and inspires me to do something more on blurt....

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You are great

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Sir, You discussed a very important issue. Those who have such a low mentality should be excluded. If I have ever done anything like that, please forgive me. I am most glad to meet you and I wish our relationship on blurt be prolong and smooth.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You are most welcome SIR. Of course you have a gracious and fresh mind.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

No worries.... These people will be deleted. Rendered Useless,.... / ! \

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

My list is small at this time, but I will continue to be watching...

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Lots of people are watching these accounts.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Very important topic you have described. I also realised some people spam here from multiple accounts even share copy post. You should only focus on quality contents and 100% original contents. I always share simple content but 100% original and never use multiple accounts to grab upvotes. I have already invested some money on hive, steem and will do on blurt. By the way i love your content and respect you.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your input.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

All flower photography is very beautiful..
I love flower..
Friend @r2cornell..

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I am interested just what counts as vote farming? I post a little blog on steem and hive - its to do with weight loss. Its more of a journal with a small entry. I say small because i dont see the point in writing lots when noone would read it anyway. I dont need much space to write what i jot down. if there minimum word posting requirements here?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Vote farming would be having a bunch of accounts and your voting on your own posts with all the accounts so earn more of the rewards.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

And commenting on others post with several of the accounts...Usually happens when the author of the post votes on comments.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks for explaining that to me skylinebuds and r2cornell:)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I think, it is not right for any person to do such a thing.
I am enjoying the pictures. Thanks for sharing this photos.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your input.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Very beautiful flower ❤️ photography..

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I love this rose, fantastic colour

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It is a beauty.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hello @r2cornell, yes this is a very important topic you brought up and I believe needs a collaborative effort and humane touch. One of the things or solutions I can think of right now is what the government of Japan proposed here is which is public admonition. If such bad behavior or detection tool is in place, perhaps make the list public and the reason why they were marked as such.

This list or page should be easily accessible somewhere public and blurters can easily access this page to check for list.

This is to discourage bad behavior and to encourage good behavior. I believe that's the approach that should be taken. I believe the behavior you mentioned above:

same intro post, etc

should be common or agreed by a majority (at least 80%?) for a criteria of bad behavior should be considered.

But again, this is just for starters. It may take a couple of iterations before an effective tool is put into place.


Come to think of it, perhaps the system should be:

  1. First Offense: Public warning
  2. Second Offense: Disciplinary Suspension
  3. Third Offense: Disciplinary Suspension
  4. Fourth Offense: Permanent Suspension (blockchain level / witness level permanent ban - no longer eligible author / curation rewards)

For number 4, this needs a change in code but should be discussed with the community, founders, and witnesses.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your input. Such a list would be helpful, but would take a lot of work. On steemit and then on Hive I had someone who would send me lists of names from steemcleaners and then hivewatchers. I am not sure if the list was available to everyone, but I was able to use it to clean up my posts, and later keep it clean.

Thank you for your input.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)


  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You can't just delete accounts that's not how Blockchain works. Can however make so said accounts can't earn.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Very True.... Accounts can not be deleted but they can be rendered useless.... /!\ some have already.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

For now a general user can mute them and make sure they do not upvote some of the garbage posts they do.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

@moriam001, you did not have to delete your comment...the sentiment of your words were valid even if the accounts cannot be deleted.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I've always believed that if you are going to participate in the activities of a community, you do so with unique and original content! Yes, I am active on several sites, but I create unique posts with unique photos for each one.

It's very sad that there are so many spammers and exploiters in the world... sadly, they often ruin things for the rest of us who just want to enjoy the community and interaction.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

As members of the Blurt community we can mute the culprits, and not vote on their posts.

Using some of the same content between the various platforms is not a problem in my view. Unique content is always better. I know some of my photographs may have been used before, but Blurt is the only platform I currently publish on (except for curation reports and each is unique to the given platform).

I am hopeful that users who use stock photos will try some of their own photos. It is okay to use stock photos and sometimes maybe necessary, yet it is more personable when one uses their own.

I will continue to do my part in not rewarding the spammers and vote-farmers.

Thank you for your input.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You've always done a lot of good for the communities you're part of, and I appreciate that.

I prefer to to use only my own photos, and whereas I might occasionally recycle a previous image in-text, it's pretty rare. My main thing is trying to encourage — and reward, although I'm just a small fish — worthy engagement and interaction.

I only reward "real people" not vote farmers... and rarely copyists...

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You had been very passionate about cleaning the community @r2cornell I wish you well about your endeavors especially in this community.

Lovely flowers there, I wish that i had a bunch of them in my garden which I also don't have at this time :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you. Enjoy viewing the flowers!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Wanderfull Rose, mindblowing i love rose,

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It saddens me to see such people spamming and posting with almost the same by two users.

Anyway, those pictures are so beautiful that I forgot what the topic really is :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ah, yes. The flower photos. That is what I prefer discussing.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

All flowers are looking so beautiful.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you @rachel1990

Beautiful flowers. I love your flower photography.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

There are very less people who don't like flowers photography. Those pictures are awesome . Stay safe dear

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Querido @r2cornell, es muy importante el tema que hoy pones sobre la mesa. Mientras antes se hable de esto, antes se tomarán cartas en el asunto y todos estaremos más atentos.

La ambición desmedida muchas veces puede llevar a que todo se distorcione y se termine por perder en encanto de estas plataformas, porque se termina convirtiendo en lugares donde el trabajo, el esfuerzo y el compromiso deja de tener sentido!

Como ya te he dicho en varias oportunidades y es admirable el trabajo que haces en cada una de las plataformas en las que desempeñas el rol de curador de una manera honesta, y responsable.

Gran abrazo!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Creo que tocaste la motivación para escribir el tema y que era para concienciar sobre ello. Sé que se están tomando medidas entre bastidores, pero cuanto más usuarios sean conscientes y puedan silenciar a los que están haciendo mal.

Me alegro de que no tengamos el "flagging" y el "down-voting" aquí en el momento, pero todavía podemos silenciarlos. En mis posts puede haber comentarios que son ignorados... no puedo verlos porque los tengo silenciados. Desafortunadamente otros pueden ver los comentarios.

Gracias por su declaración sobre el trabajo que mi equipo y yo hacemos en las plataformas. Me alegro de verte en Blurt.

I think you touched on the motivation for writing the topic and that was to bring awareness to it. I know there is action being taken behind scene, but the more users are aware and can mute those who are doing wrong.

I am glad we do not have the "flagging" and "down-voting" here on blurt, but we can still mute them. In my posts there may be comments that get ignored...I can not see them because I have them muted. Unfortunately others can still see the comments.

Thank you with regards to your statement on the work my team and I do on the platforms (curating). Great to see you on Blurt.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

como siempre gran trabajo el que realizas sea el ecosistema en el que estés! Tus curaciones tienen un valor agregado más allá del poder de voto.

Voy a leer detenidamente los comentarios de tus publicaciones para poder identificar esos usuarios.

Gran abrazo!

Keep doing what you do are doing. You motivated me to stay here. Thank you for everything and thank you!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Your welcome. You belong on Blurt.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate.

Manually curated by @melissaofficial

Also, find us on Discord (
logo3 Discord.png

Come back to Blurt..
How are you @r2cornell friend..
Very nice all flower..🥀🥀🥀🥀 FLOWER🌿🌿🌿

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for speaking up about spam, plagiarism, and farming. I'm part of a small but focused team that is working behind the scenes to black lists accounts that are abusing the platform. Currently we're adding maybe a dozen accounts to this list daily, slowly but surly farmers will understand that it's not worth their time. Also a fan of the mute button for those accounts I wish to never see again in my feed

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for responding to my post. It is good to hear that more is being done with regards to these users. They make it so I am wondering about each person commenting and if they are legitimate. So I spend a lot of time check up on those who follow me and those who comment on my posts. I like being liberal with my voting on comments because it gets dialogue moving and helps many overcome their worry about comment because of the reward versus fee.

I automatically mute any user who has the red warning sign next to their name. Much of mny time is taken up in the endeavor of weeding out the "bad" ones. I have yet to even begin my next post, because when I do have the time I am looking into new followers.

Thank you for your effort.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hey @r2cornell, your photography is simply amazing. i like flower.
Have a good day.