mushroom macros (11 foto)

in blurtlife •  4 years ago  (edited)

Today I share my mushroom impressions, mostly te pics I took this summer. Canon 5D camera and Sigma 150mm lens was used for most part, a few images captured by Canon 350D +Tamron 60mm.

The pictures better viewed in hi-res (clickable).


Slug evaluates the oyster mushrum.



Polyporus melanopus (in Russian: Трутовик черноногий). A nice looking example of tree mushroom growing in Europe. It has a stunning beautiful stem! Upon a closer examination, looks as mushroom is dressed in a tailcoat suit, sort of. Very cool outlook.


It is un-edible fungus.


Same fungus, different edition: more grown-up, matured, wooden-hardened.


This is Suillus luteus (under question), maybe some other Suillus sp. There are so many of them! and I cant distinguish them from each other, like in case with Leccinus family.


Most of you fungi lovers, used to know and meet the Oyster mushrooms, be it in the woods, or at shop's counter. This is one of the less known species -- Pleurotus dryinus (in Russian: Вешенка дубовая). It is edible autumn mushroom, as all of the Oysters.




A well-known Pholiota squarrosa. Edible but not very precious and welcome fungi.

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Lyophyllum decastes... (or maybe Lyophyllum fumosum). Edible mushroom. The English name for the mushroom, Fried Chicken mushroom, is due to the fact that its cooked flavor is somewhat reminiscent of chicken.

All the images available for purchase in hi-res. copyright (c) qwerrie

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

@blessed-girl, manual curation is precious. thank you! glad you liked my stuff.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

the one that is in question is very similar to the boletus (Suillus) mushroom. Just not young anymore

тот, который стоит под вопросом, весьма похож на маслёнка. Просто уже не молод