Money is essential but has money been able to buy everything??

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

What exactly we need for living, food, shelter, safety, and money. Education comes later and without education you can live but difficult to survive. Some need money, some chase money, and those who chase money I guess they will never become satisfied. No matter how much money they have got so far, they never satisfied. On the other hand, some people spend money on unnecessary things like a gamble, drugs, entertainment, and much more. Entertainment is good but excess is not good for life...

We all need money but how many of us chase only money, I guess the answer is confusing. I was thinking today that why I need the money and ended up getting a simple answer, I need money to fulfill my necessities, to live life decently, to eat food, and to provide shelter. Nowadays you can't get anything without money, wherever you go, you need money on every single step of life. For proper education, you need money as well because scholarships are not for everyone. You can't live without money, for your basic need you need money definitely. To provide a decent life for your family, you need money, right?

Life is a race and to survive in this race you need money...


Does money be able to fulfill your all desire? Perhaps yes but I don't know. Many people have seen their life closely than me, many people have got so much knowledge than me so how can I answer this question clearly. Because when I feel overwhelmed, I feel like money is everything. When I feel surreal, happy, I feel money is just a necessity nothing else. I think my vision, the concept is not clear about money.

Suppose a man has spent his entire life chasing money, collecting money. He was so involved in it that he forgot his entire life. He forgot that there is another life rather than money, he forgot that money is not everything. He forgot that the more he involved in money, the more he got far away from happiness. So, what is the meaning of his life exactly, because the entire life he chased money and in the end, he has nothing except those pieces of paper which he collected in his entire life. I guess he achieved nothing except money...

That's why maybe people say, money can't buy happiness. But if money fulfills your necessities, then you become happy right? I mean no problem, no tension. But there is something called inner peace which money can't buy for you. Money can't buy your soul, money can't buy your peace. No matter how much you try to buy your happiness with money, no matter how much money helps you to fulfill your desire, if there is no peace in your life, then that money is meaningless...




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Original post written by @priyanarc...


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yes money isn't everything. But money is on of the biggest part of life. We can't survive in our life.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Agree with you...