Random rant on the feminine and the masculine. . .

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

Slowly, but steadily, we are seem to be moving away from a patriarchal society ( or perhaps I am delusional again, lol, but I am seeing the improvement. . .),
HOWEVER, there seems to be this whole "women are better, women doesn't need no men, women can do it all alone " situation going on here.

And as much as I believe that women are capable of a lot more than we were credited for in the past many centuries, I do believe that this whole big feminism is also not so good for us.

Yes, women are equal, and it's great, and we deserve to have our rights, but does it have to be to the expense of men?
Cause what I'm struggling to understand, is why it has to be one over another. . .

Never agreed with the whole patriarchal shit, especially that I grew up in a very chauvinist country.
I've spent the first two decades of my life, dealing with men, who had little to no respect towards me, and quite frankly a lot of them didn't even have an idea, that they were disrespectful. . . (Including my male relatives.)

I went through some pretty serious mental, physical and sexual abuse in my life ( no I'm not going towards #metoo, just sharing the background. . . no victimhood, and no need to feel sorry for me, I'm a big girl, who dealt with all those), but even after all that, I don't believe that the way is to put men in a place, where women were until now, behind the curtains. (Although i would like to kick some of them in the balls, but that is just a side note, lol).

I'm seeing that it is becoming more and more a thing, that women are stepping into this whole, I can do it without a men story.

I have witnessed several of my female friends, in the last decade, to decide to go into a relationship with women, after their failed marriage (with men).
Now, I want to highlight, I have no issues whatsoever, with people's sexual orientation, as it so is not my business who you
are having sex with, behind your closed doors. I completely, 100% accept anyone, who really is attracted more to the same gender, or both.
My problem lies within the context, that many of these women, have stated that their choice ( of going towards female only relationships) were based on the fact, that they couldn't find a decent men, they had lots of issues with man, they were hurt by men, etc. . .
And in my perception, that is wrong.

That is being, in this whole, I don't like men/I feel threatened by men/ etc so let's push them away. . .
But then we are playing a similar game, to what they did to us women, when we became so repressed. . . and pushed on the side.

Not cool.

Ok, but the point shouldn't really be just be about men, let's talk about women.

So there are these two extremes, of women being repressed and pushed to the background and told to clean the kitchen;
and the other end, where women are all about doing everything without a men.
Cause apparently we don't need them.

And in between lies a whole lotta other issue. . .

As we are navigating from the old dependent pattern, where women depend on men for material shit, and men depend on women for clean home and cooked food ( and sex),
there are all these believes, that are pressuring women and preventing them from stepping into their power.
The picture I've included, pretty much sums it up (can't credit as don't know the source. . .ooor, it came from THE SOURCE . . ., as in the Universe) . . .not sure, will get it fact checked. . .
FB_IMG_1641750070395 (1).jpg

Pretty much everything can be looked at as a disadvantage, or something to be ashamed of. . .

For instance, I always received many judgements about my body. . . I was seriously underweight for a long time in my life; during all those years, I have been given many criticism about my shape, and it was always the focus. . . Petra's sticking out ribs. . .and so on.
Now that I have luscious curves (and I love them, more than my skinny ass), the topic is, that Petra needs to watch herself, cause she is getting bigger. WTF?


Can we stop pressuring women?

Other topic is this whole body hair thing. . . again, all these hippies and feminists, posing with showing off their body hair, and shaming all those women who are removing body hair.
As opposed to 10 years ago, when women were shamed if they didn't remove all their hair. . .

Can we please all decide for ourselves whatever the fuck we want to do with our body hair? Whichever one chooses, is their own personal choice. It may depend from month to month, what one prefers, but it is everybody's own personal choice. . .


Or another, example. . .if I'm choosing to go into and laugh at sexual references, and inapropriate shit, while playing along with the naughty boys: I get frowned upon. . .Yeah. . .but if I don't, then I get labeled as the prude. . . so than can someone explain which one is the accepted behaviour for women?!?!
I tell ya, the one that I choose for myself, cause I feel confident in my ground on who do I feel safe joking around with. . .or not.

FB_IMG_1649540618376 (1).jpg

Not sure where I'm going with all this. I guess I just had to bring this all up to the surface.

My point is for sure, that just because women are not repressed anymore, doesn't mean that men has to be . . .
And women should be allowed to do whatever the f@ck they want ( oh and the same for the guys. lol ). . .

Living in harmony and supporting one another is the ultimate goal, when it comes to the masculine and the feminine.
Whether it is in a relationship or not.

Energetically speaking (sorry for the woowoo), the way I see, is the masculine holds the energy below, and behind, so the feminine is safe to fall, but has space to go forward and up.

Everybody to their own strength. . . but respecting what the other needs.
( I did actaually brought up a little of this the other day, almost forgott. . . looks like a little bit of a theme was building up on one another, and I wasn't even aware of it up until now. . .interesting. . . "The doorway to openness is often exactly what you don't want to do" )

Ok, so who else has any pain on their chest they wanna let go of? It is the time and the place as it seems. . .
Thank you for your ears (eyes?) . . .

Can you see the little female devil reflection over half my face? This kind of sums me up. . . and the dancing women behind. Found this today on the high street. . . (also spot the plates on he wall. . .they have breasts on them)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"Or another, example. . .if I'm choosing to go into and laugh at sexual references, and inapropriate shit, while playing along with the naughty boys: I get frowned upon. . .Yeah. . .but if I don't, then I get labeled as the prude. . . so than can someone explain which one is the accepted behaviour for women?!?!"

LOL. Which ever one you chose. I like the inappropriate shit. 😅

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Of course you do, thats why we get along so well 🤪 and cause you resilient enough to also withstand a day with three women and their woowoo talk 😅 LoL

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"and cause you resilient enough to also withstand a day with three women and their woowoo talk "

Haha. Only just 😂

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Atta girl! You cracked me up! I almost spilled my water on my keyboard lol!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LoLoLoL 😅😂🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol I hear those crunchy laughter from afar.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, they were pretty loud 😅😂🤣 just what we need

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I know, right? Haha Good morning, @petrapurple

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good Morning!
How are you today? Just making my second coffee. . .what are you on now?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hair or no hair?


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How? Its all about the decking. . .(not about whether there is or there isnt hair . . .)
You should know by now. . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I believe that men and women should coexist and understand that we are in this world to complement each other, that's what differences are for, we all deserve respect.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Couldnt agree more 🙏🏻💗

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You are making a point there! 👍 Sometimes in the grocerie store, whilst standing in line, I see more and more people, where I can't see if it is a man or a woman anymore... Now call me old fashioned, but I don't think that trend is healthy..?

IMO a woman CAN be both! I always refer to viking women... They could be pretty, and female and have stuff in their hair... but when necessary, they could chop a dude's head off... 😂

EDIT: Just found this, it might interest you... https://www.thewonderingalchemist.com/blog/hermetic-principle-7-gender

PS: How do I have to interpret the photo of the papaya? 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Just had a chance to read this, beautiful and spot on. . . thank you for sharing!!!

I totally agree with you. We can be both! ANd it is true for both men and women. . .I can be super girly, and all; but I have that feisty warrior queen side, that trust me, people do not want to mess with!
And the men, is also allowed to have moments of "weakness", and dropping in their more feminine side. That is one thing that I see that most are still struggling with. . . but they gonna get there. . .

the papaya. . . use your imagination . . .😜

Well written luv! 🙏❤️🍀
Have a beautiful weekend!! 🌞

PS: I got you on the papaya! 😂🙈

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

and you darling, enjoy life, and have fun 💜


Weighing in again on this but it’s all self love. I used to bend myself like a pretzel looks wise for guys and it still didn’t help make these specific elusive guys that were not even remotely attractive themselves anyways want to date me. Then I grew some balls ( not literally lol) and self love and now get rly hot guys want to date me all the time. The irony this is what happened when I just stopped caring at all rly or doing anything at all to attract a man physically. I think we make a lot of this stuff up in our own minds and men actually ate rly drawn for serious connections with women who love themselves and don’t try to change themselves to gain someone’s approval. If you do that you’ll never ever be good enough. Men are the same we wouldn’t be attracted to someone who kept trying to get better paid jobs or higher paid jobs and keep throwing it in our face to get a girl. We would just be like bore off.