Heaven or Hell on Earth

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

After basically binge watching all seasons of Lucifer (no regret), it made me think a lot.

So in Lucifer, Hell is portrayed as a place, where you get stuck in a loop of your worst nightmares.
It can be something that has happened to you, and is repeating over and over again.
Or something that hasn’t happened, but you are afraid of it happening;
and so in Hell you are experiencing it over and over again.
You can’t escape, and it is on loop forever and ever. . .

Heaven, on the other hand, is portrayed as a place where you do the things you like, with the people you love, and it's all just happiness.

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So this is what they believe, or more, how they portray what happens after we die. . .

But, in reality this is what life is. Isn’t it?
We can choose to live Heaven on Earth.
Or we can keep ourselves in an endless loop of Hell in our whole life.

Like, I know I have been there, in Hell, where, my anxiety controlled my whole life, and I was literally stuck in a loop, where I was living my worst nightmares moment after moment (in my head).

But I also lived in Heaven (actually I should write this in present tense), where I do what I want, and I surround myself with the people I love.

I refuse to do things that doesn’t bring me joy. I cut people out of my life, in a real brutal way sometimes, if I feel that they are not good for my metal health.

So this is me, choosing to live Heaven on Earth.

When you live in Hell, you do actually have the choice to to exit.
You can take that breath, and with the exhale, actually decide that is not the story you wanna live in anymore.

I see many people (myself included at times, although a lot less than in the past), who won’t let go of their idea, of what other people will do or say. Or how certain things may turn out.

Then winding themselves up, and deciding that is the only possible way it can happen, and keeping themselves in a loop.

My point here, is, to give that leap of faith and try to believe that the other person, or the situation may well be different.
I mean whats the worst that can happen? That you prove yourself wrong?

(Although I wanna highlight it here, that you can not pretend to do different just to prove that you are right, that is still being in the loop of Hell.)

I find many times, that I have this fear button turn on within me, and I already project my idea to people, places, scenarios. Mostly based on previous experience. (Especially so when it comes to family, and I won’t let go of the idea, that they will act the way I experienced decades ago.)

But, what if these people, were like that in the past (while their were in Hell), and now they are different (living in Heaven), and it actually turns out completely different to what I was expecting.

My point here is: to break the loop, we have to have a leap of faith. . .
While we expect people and situation to be in a way, because this is how we always experienced it,

I mean, it’s the most used and cliche thing to say, but remember what Ghandi said:
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

So, if I decide to be the change (and leave the loop of Hell), then I show an example, by being the change, and they may do the same.
I can not just expect that they change first, and then I won’t stress.
But I can change my perspective, try, and see what happens.

I might be surprised, they might be also doing the same. . .preparing to break the loop, and act different.

We can never know.

But acting as if we know what it will be, just because it was like that in the past, is living in Hell. Being in a loop, that we experienced or witnessed before, and keep reliving in our head, and projecting onto the present.

Living the Heaven on Earth, is when we choose different, in a way that is not linked to the past, not linked to the history, not linked to fear, etc. But living in a place where it is in a way how we like it to be.

It all starts with a leap of faith.

This past week something interesting happened.
Long story short (as I may write about this an entire blog), I wanted to manifest three different things.
And I knew exactly in what order I wanted them to come to me, so on that way my ego is satisfied.
HA, no, the Universe thought it otherwise!

I have been given the opportunity to receive the one, that was the last on my list. . . Which should have happened after the other two. . .
I panicked, because I was like;
Shit, if the other two doesn’t happen, then this will go horribly wrong, and I started panicking. . .( and listed all the worst case scenarios of course).

But then I realised;
that was Hell on Earth. If I believe that I really am in Heaven, then I just take a leap of faith, go with this beautiful gift I have been given, and trust the other two will follow.

It is my choice, just like it is yours. . .
Heaven or Hell?

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Life can be hell or heaven and I do agree that it is what we want our lives to be.

II have watched all the seasons of Lucifer and I think loops are bad. It is one thing to be tortured in a new way everyday but having the one worst experience day after day would just be so exhausting.

I do believe in hell and heaven but I like the idea of hell from "Good Place" tv show.

I don't know if you have watched it so I won't leave any spoilers.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I do believe in hell and heaven but I like the idea of hell from "Good Place" tv show.
I don't know if you have watched it so I won't leave any spoilers.

I watched the first season, and i really liked it!!! But then second season was a bit boring, so gave up.

However it is also an interesting idea of hell.
But im a Lucifer fan in this. I found it very deep in meanings. Also the journey of the masculine. . .Wanting to be God to feel worthy. . .and them how it ends. . .(gosh im making spoilers here, gonna get on the coal list for that 😅)

Yes, Lucifer is deep and has so much to it than just the devil. He always wanted acceptance and his troubles with his lady love... It was a very good show.

And yes there's a special place in the COAL list (Blurt's private hell, lol) for spoilers.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And yes there's a special place in the COAL list (Blurt's private hell, lol) for spoilers.


Oh! Don't worry... I'm the warden of the Blurt's private hell I can save you from it. 😇

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Phew. . .
Although we meant to be saving ourselves 😅

It's tougher to save ourselves than to save the world.

Posted from https://blurt.live