Easter Sunday Pondering on Growth

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

Have you ever experienced, going for healing sessions, or a group circle; where after the session, you felt absolutely amazing and recharged and know what your next steps might be.

HOWEVER, days, or perhaps weeks later, you totally crushed, your motivation has gone, you feel like your progress has gone, perhaps your symptoms reappeared, and suddenly feel you are back to square one.


This is a very common phenomenon. And one reason it might happen is this;

When you go for healing sessions, oftentimes what happens, is something we call 'inflation'.

Another person opens and widens your field, your perception, and raises your vibration. While there is nothing wrong with inflation, and often we are in desperate need of it.

What we really need for growth is expansion.

Expansion is when you grow into that space.

When you own and claim that inflated space.

When you are not ready, what happens is that you yo-yo back and forth between the inflated space and your current reality.

Inflation has its benefits though, it is there when we get glimpses of our potential, our path and it can give us motivation when we see what is possible.

It also can raise our vibration to a level where we are able to start the expansion, as opposed to being in a state where we may not have the chance to match energeticly the steps that needs to be taken.

Expansion is very important because that is the real work we are doing for ourselves.

You surely have heard the phrase: "A healer is not someone you go for healing, a healer is someone that triggers within you your own ability to heal yourself".

This pretty much translates to a healer can help you with the inflation, while you do the expansion.

Working with people myself, I find it very important to balance, that while I may inflate them during sessions, also make sure that I encourage them to keep steady progress on their expansion.

As well as make sure that I also am following my own advice, that I give my clients, and keep my growth and expansion under my own supervision.


Much love, Petra 💜

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I have never been to healing sessions, I have no idea what that would be like. Sounds interesting, by the way your eyes are beautiful.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you 🥰 and who knows, this may be the sign you should try someday to join a ceremony of some kind 🙌🏻🙏🏻

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i just gave you an up vote and nice photo of the birds

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

🐦🙏🏻 thanks, the birds were magical. Kept circling above us.

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