[Eng+Spa] Quarantine: Day 606 + Cuarentena: Día 606

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 
Brief description of the daily life in the personal quarantine.
Breve descripción de la cotidianidad en la cuarentena personal.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Source - https://pro-chislo.ru/606

A new chapel day (read just right to Izuierda and Conversely), 606 days from the declaration of social distancing and quarantine in Venezuela by the Covid19 pandemic. Today is an anniversary more of the fall of the Berlin Wall, made in 1989. At the time it was a milestone that marked a strong change in the Cold War and gave way to the subsequent German re-unification, in addition to weakening the old USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) that was a global reference of communism, socialism and any variant of the political left, that left tried to impose its model to the German population and it was found that people preferred to escape the capitalist side, just as it happens Nowadays in countries such as Cuba, in which people prefer to take risks into a sea with sharks before staying in the communism of the island or as the case of Venezuela, whose socialism of the 21st century has given rise to an unprecedented phenomenon in that country , the Venezuelan Diapora, since being a country that traditionally and for centuries was a recovery of migration much more than it was a source of emigrants, because now the thing was invested and it turns out that in just under 5 years or We got 7 million people from Venezuela seeking to live in other countries and other continents, this number of people would be about 16% of its population according to the accounts

The Berlin Wall, in its establishment (1961) was a statement of failure on the left to bend the desire of ordinary people from better living and economic freedom, social and economic freedom. Despite seeing that the domain was rejected, they decided to prevail by force, to place wire, then build concrete walls, then reinforce them with patrols with trace dogs, point with machine guns (not to prevent someone from outside to enter, but to prevent that those who were inside escaped) with what they turned a country into something similar to a prison. Thus the "Democratic Republic" that claimed to be, it was actually a slave farm, denying the fundamental human right to freedom and destined for irremediable failure.

But no matter how much they fail, the ability of denial is impressive, will always say the leaders on the left that was not a "real left" and always promise "yes, now if it will work," no matter how many failures there was, no It matters how impossible they are success in their policies or economic measures, no matter how much damage, destruction or death they must do during their "social government of left government" ... no matter what is nothing more than doing what they want ... and if what they want causes seas of blood and pain among the population, since it seems that they are happy to them.

Anyway, I have had a quiet day and I was trying to do things early because the electric service has been with flashing flaws and I must work when the public services allow me ... After all, this is Venezuela in full Socialism of the 21st Century (Either in its variants: Chavistas or Maduristas) which implies that corruption, ineptitude, authoritarianism and negligence are completely unleashed.
Well, this blog served me from catharsis (hahaha) I wish you that you are well and that we can read on another chance.
Día capicúa en el conteo, 606 días desde la declaración de distanciamiento social y cuarentena en Venezuela por la pandemia de Covid19. Hoy es un aniversario mas de la caída del Muro de Berlín, ocurrida en 1989, en su momento fue un hito que marcó un fuerte cambio en la Guerra Fría y dio paso a la posterior re-unificación alemana, además de debilitar a la vieja URSS (Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas) que era un referente mundial del Comunismo, socialismo y toda variante de izquierda política, esa izquierda intentó imponer su modelo a la población alemana y se encontró que la gente prefería escapar hacia el lado capitalista, tal como ocurre hoy en día en países como Cuba, en que la gente prefiere arriesgarse en un mar con tiburones antes que quedarse en el comunismo de la isla o como el caso de Venezuela, cuyo Socialismo del Siglo XXI ha dado origen a un fenómeno inédito en ese país, la Diaspora Venezolana, pues siendo un país que tradicionalmente y durante siglos fue receptor de migración mucho mas de lo que fue fuente de emigrantes, pues ahora la cosa se invirtió y resulta que en poco menos de 5 años se fueron unos 7 millones de personas, que según las cuentas, sería cerca del 16% de su población

El Muro de Berlín, en su instauración (1961) fue una declaración del fracaso de la izquierda para doblegar el deseo de la gente común de mejores condiciones de vida y de mayor libertad personal, social y económica. A pesar de ver que el dominio era rechazado, decidieron imponerse por la fuerza, colocar alambradas, luego construir paredes de concreto, después reforzarlas con patrullas con perros de rastreo, apuntar con ametralladoras (no para impedir que alguien de afuera entrara, sino para impedir que los que estaban adentro escaparan) con lo que convirtieron un país en algo parecido a una prisión. Así la "República Democrática" que decía ser resultaba ser en realidad una farsa esclavizante, negadora de derecho humano fundamental a la libertad y destinada al irremediable fracaso.

Pero no importa cuanto fracase, la capacidad de negación es impresionante, siempre dirán los dirigentes de la izquierda que eso no era una "verdadera izquierda" y que ahora si va a funcionar, no importa cuantos fracasos hubiera, no importa cuan imposible les sea el éxito, no importa la cantidad de daño, destrucción o muerte que deban realizar durante su "experimento social de gobierno de izquierda"... no importa nada mas que hacer lo que desean... y si eso causa mares de sangre y dolor, pues parece que eso les alegra.

En fin, he tenido un día tranquilo y estaba tratando de hacer cosas temprano porque el servicio eléctrico ha estado con fallas intermitentes y debo trabajar cuando los servicios públicos me lo permiten... Después de todo, esto es Venezuela en pleno Socialismo del Siglo XXI (ya sea en sus variantes Chavistas o Maduristas) lo que implica que la corrupción, la ineptitud, el autoritarismo y la negligencia están completamente desatadas.

Bueno, esta bitácora me sirvió de catarsis jajaja Te deseo que estés bien y que nos podamos leer en otra oportunidad.
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I could not imagine having to live under the oppression of a socialist government, though I do get glimpses occasionally because I live in California, which is very much trying to go the way of Venezuela...it's a struggle and I'm glad you're standing for what is right!

With the experience I have, I do not recommend to anyone a socialist government of the left, I can even move on to the Social Democrats and the Social Christians (who all have some tendencies towards collectivism, but are not as disastrous as the hard and pure Socialism of the political left).

I would be very surprised (and in a bad way) if California followed the example of Venezuela, rather with the economic, social and political disaster that exists here, this should be an anti-example or a counter-example, whatever, it should be one thing that shows everything not to be done.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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