Why We Grow Weaker As We Age And How To Get Stronger

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Cells are the smallest and the basic unit of life. Basic means the most important or foundational. These cells coming together form the tissues, tissues form the organs e.g Heart, organs form the systems e.g cardiovascular system and systems form the entire body. And these cells all need energy to carry out their functions.


Every Cell has ATP in its Mitochondria (energy factory). What's ATP?

ATP – or Adenosine Triphosphate – is the primary energy carrier in all living organisms on earth. All living organisms capture and store energy gotten from food as ATP. ATP provides us with the energy to run our bodies, they are like fuel for our cells.


When the cell requires energy, ATP is broken down through hydrolysis (reaction with water). The energy released from this process is used to drive various cellular processes or activities. And without it, cells cannot transfer energy from one location to another, making it impossible for organisms to grow and reproduce, that's function normal!

The ATP molecule is composed of three components. And At the centre is a sugar molecule called ribose, which is the key to ATP activities in the body. Ribose is the only sugar used by the body to help regulate the metabolism (a chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life) of ATP.

Ribose is the main molecule in energy recovery, helping to support the connection of energy compounds needed by the body for various metabolic processes.

What's the role of Glutathione in energy production?

During the production of energy in the body, free radicals (disease causing agents) are generated. As the generation of free radicals exceeds the body's ability to neutralize and eliminate them, oxidative stress occurs, which destroys the mitochondria (energy factory of the cells). A primary function of glutathione is to remove this oxidative stress in order for the body to produce more energy.

But as we age our cells loses the ability to produce sufficient Glutathione. And Deficiency of Glutathione in the mitochondria (energy factory of the body) leads to weak mitochondria over time which results in low energy production and that makes us weaker as we age.

What's Max ATP?

Max ATP is a product of Max international designed to Promote cellular production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) by supplying the body with natural ingredients like Ribose and Cysteine for the production of energy within 20 minutes with no energy crash.😳

Ribose and other ingredients for the production of energy while Cysteine for Glutathione production. Once these ingredients are available in sufficient amount, our bodies begin to produce better energy again and we get healthier and stronger with less fatigue.

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