(The Comeback post): Gone for too long, On a crowded Beach!

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 



Yeah, That's me!

After a long Sabbatical off On chain bloggings across all platforms

The dark hunky guy holding a boy, a ball and a cooling bag on my shoulder. The Blogging runaway, now here and back again.

My brother's inlaws had come to the city and needed somewhere to go to have some fun, well; I have been the most boring man in like five months plus so I took them to a very densely populated beach on the brink of the Atlantic Ocean bothering my country from the South-west.

So what happened to this guy? One of the most faithful Blurt/Hive/Steem users since Inception?

That boring guy went through some phases, relationship wise, location wise and so on. Then I became boring, had the most nastiest writers block and ditched my blogs on Hive. Though I come around often but short, to a play a puzzle game built on Hive- https://fulltimegeek.com/game/. Well, if that could considered as been an active user, but I have to muzzle my inner strength and start blogging again.

Best way to kickstart my On-chain blogging usage is through my weekend Engagement blogs. This boring guy curated some pictures, videos as I transmission through the couple of phases in my life in the last couple of months.

Before I continue, I want to say Happy new year to you all, my followers, Mods in the Weekend Engagement community and the whole of incentivize Blockchain platforms. It's been a learning phase since last year for me, though this blog is not about what happened between then and now.

Below was the beach I had visited with my brother's inlaws family. Errm, this family is my brother's wife elder brother's family. So I'm technically not directly related but we are super close.

The dad, same age with my big brother took the first shot, his boys, the two boys in the picture are full of energy. I mean without constant yelling and restrictions we could have lost them on that Crowded beach that day😁🤣😂.

It was sunny, super sunny but the excitement on every beach goers shadows the blazing solar heat. The waves from the ocean cools things off and you can imagine how it feels from my last series of shots that day below.


So why a very crowded Beach? Well, seems the whole Valentine thing is still very much around lol. Also, it's been long I have been to the beach or any beach, so Google map just acted on its own and took us to the closest one out of the traffic 😂🤣😁.

It was a busy ride, about 2hours plus with the heavy traffic. Thankfully it's enroute my former office, the shortcuts I had mastered back then helped navigating and evading standstills on the "quadruply" busy road. I mean, it used to be busy, but now multiply by four 😂.

Now the first picture is one side of the beach, the less concentrated side where we were. The second image is the crazy part where the frenzy is much more situated.

Apparently everyone needed a time out for fun, and we all picked the same beach lol.



Although, it was fun to see hundreds if not thousands of people since covid. But a bit scary with the new variant of COVID-19. The last time I saw much people was at a concert in the early months of year 2020, before we were attacked by a pandemic, perhaps a plandemic as people of the world refer to it.

Arguably there's much more excitement been around people, even as full grown adults. Talk less of kids, they had unforgettable fun. Other kids join the two kids with us to play their beach soccer. Isaiah and Isaac enjoyed it, though the Ocean later claimed their ball...poor kids 😂😁

Massive fun for me as well as the parents of the two kids, my visitors. I needed that much needed time to have fun,even though I didn't get to swim because of my allergy to water called Aquagenic urticaria, it is a rare condition I have lived with all my life. While others enjoy swimming, playing in the rain, I avoid water to the barest level so as not to activate the body itching.

As I tried to capture all that happened on the beach, I still struggle to be able to write enough as my usage of words might be rusty. I'm trying hard to get back on my horses, as well as navigate hive well enough, engage other users and remain active. It really sucks to be gone for far too long.

The last short I took was at sunset at the beach as we were about to live the whole frenzy behind. It was like as it gets darker, more people trooped in and the population kept skyrocketing.


I had so many pictures, but I could only share a few in this blog. This last one is my favorite, if I had used a better camera, maybe I could have considered framing it. Enjoy the silhouette feeling of that last piece, it's great to be back to Blurt blogging that amazing Weekend!

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