A month plus with no Beer: little wins!

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 


I don't look much different, although my beards are not as long as before and I shed some weight due to my light yet intensive workout. As i write this post early today been mid week, not such a good day regarding all the dip and reds in the cryptosphere while I check my feeds. Nevertheless, it's a good day to count little wins and blessings, this slight deep is nothing compared to two three years ago that made some of us watch all the little gains we made in the 2017 bullrun go down the drain without nothing we could do about it as a fresh out of the oven Crypto rookie.

For close to two Month, I haven't had beer or any alcoholic drink. Though I took some vodka shots late February and that's very fresh in my head considering the occasion. I was celebrating with a friend who just made some good bucks selling building construction materials. Since then I have been on mostly organic drinks and water, plus some soda which is another liquid I have tried to limit to the nearest minimum.

So I got this new brand of Beer with Tequila, it's a recently launched brand by one of the breweries running in my city. I haven't seen this brand in any other place except here in my city, cos I was away for long and touring about three states, never saw it on sales. Back in December before my auntie died I bought some packs after it was newly commissioned. Yet, I didn't get to taste it due to my aunts death, gave it out before going away for over a month to bury my dear auntie.


I was once an alcoholic due to grieve, when I lost my mom, I restored to alcoholic drinks to not think and to get decent sleeps. I have written a couple of times about it, and it seems I have been death with another blow when my mom's younger sister died. This time, I didn't go back to drinking, it's still a hard blow but I have been able to live through it with the realization that death is a great debts everyone is owing which will be repaid.

Nothing beats just having a good time and sipping a cold Beer, Tequila, vodka or rum. However, it is beyond just fun and having a good time when you have to do it to live without pain, most people are oblivious of the healing effects of been intoxicated with alcohol even though the body might pay for it later on. When the will to live without fear and despair goes frail, and it becomes a seemingly obnoxious task to live without someone or something, that's the real battle.

To some extent, I have won some part of this battle. I have accepted my mom nor aunt ain't coming back to life, defeating heavy drinking, talking and writing about it to be free of depression and essentially meeting a lady that understands what it feels like to lose someone close to your heart(my girl lost his dad pre-covid pandemic), hence these seems like little wins that needs to be celebrated. Like I had to take a shot while winking and sipping from a beer can in my kitchen, remembering how I was once enslaved to drinking to stay happy.

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