Get to know the Horsetail, a Unique Animal that Saves Millions of Humans| Photography | Macro

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

Good afternoon everyone for all of our friends who are at Blurtter and have been joining Blurtter for a long time, hopefully we are always healthy and can always carry out activities as usual. So on this occasion I want to write a little bit about Get to know the Horsetail, a Unique Animal that Saves Millions of Humans| Photography | Macro hopefully later it can become a memory for myself, and for other friends who are already married, don't forget to also give directions and input if later in my writing there are still words- words that are not polite, therefore I apologize once again.

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Hornbill or mimi is a kind of water animal that is uniquely shaped. Their bodies are broad and flat and have long tails like stingrays, but they are not fish. In English this animal is called a horseshoe crab or a horseshoe crab because its shape is considered to be like a horseshoe. You may have never seen a chestnut in person, or even heard of its name for the first time. But you need to know that the lives of millions of people around the world have been saved thanks to the crab. How come? If you are curious, let's get acquainted with this unique animal.
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There are some people who say that this fish in the nickname of the horseradish crab might make you think that the horseshoe crab is a type of crab. But it really isn't. They do not have antennae, so they are not included in the crustaceans, aka the crab and crustacean family. Horseradish including chelicerata, which is a subphylum that also includes aracinda. So even though they live in the sea, the hornbill is actually still related to arachnids such as spiders, scorpions, and mites.
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It is not wrong if the ginger is called a living fossil. Not only because of their primitive appearance, but they have ancestors that lived 450 million years ago, even before dinosaurs lived on earth. And their ancestors turned out to have an appearance that was not much different from modern horseshoe crabs. Another uniqueness of the chestnut is that they have many eyes. First, there is a pair of compound eyes on the upper part of the body that are mainly used to find a partner. Behind each one is a lateral eye, then there is a pair of median eyes and one endoparietal eye on the front of their bodies.
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Horseshoe crabs have many legs, and they usually move by walking on the sea floor using those legs. But they can also swim, and uniquely, they can swim upside down! Yes, the horseradish likes to swim upside down, using its ventral eyes under its body and its tail to determine its direction. This habit is especially often carried out by the young horseshoe crabs, and as they get older they will decrease.
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Human blood is red because it contains hemoglobin which is formed from iron. Horseradish blood does not contain hemoglobin, but hemocyanin which contains copper. If exposed to air, hemocyanin will emit a turquoise color, so that even the blood of the horseradish looks blue. Well, this blood is what makes the ginger have great service for humans. In 1956 it was discovered that the blood of the horseradish contains special cells amebocytes that can detect the presence of bacteria. If exposed to bacteria, these amebocytes will secrete a kind of mucus that isolates the bacteria so they don't spread.
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That means that the blood of the shells can be used to test whether or not a component of a drug or vaccine is sterile. So since 1970, the FDA, aka the United States Food and Drug Administration, has required all kinds of drugs and vaccines given by injection to first be tested using shellfish blood. Similar policies were later established in other countries. So imagine how many millions of people in this world have been spared from infection or even death due to unsterile injections, all thanks to the blood of the crab. Those are five unique facts about horseradish. It turns out that these animals have great services for humans, right?
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Blood plasma extract (Haemocyte lysate) is widely used in biomedical and environmental studies. In the United States, China, and Japan this blood extract is used as an endotoxin test material and to diagnose meningitis and gonorrhea. Anti-toxin serums using horseradish have developed in Europe, the United States, Japan, and West Asia. The color of crimson blood is blue, it is formed from a compound similar to hemoglobin in humans, called hemocyanin. If hemoglobin has an iron atom as its center, hemocyanin has a copper atom as its center.
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Shellfish meat and eggs can be consumed. The Malay community in Kota Tinggi, Johor, is familiar with spicy and sour dishes and stir-fried horseradish sauce. Horseradish is also eaten by simply grilling or grilling it. However, horseradish produces a type of poison that can be intoxicating. Only certain parts are allowed to be eaten and only an experienced and expert person knows how to safely serve this shellfish. There is a proverb in Javanese society, namely 'mimi-lan-mintuno' which means true love, because these animals are often found in pairs.
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Mimi or Belangkas (Limulidae tribe) includes four types of segmented animals (arthropods) that inhabit shallow waters in marshes and mangrove areas. All of them are members of the Limulidae tribe and are the only representatives of the Xiphosurida nation that still survives on earth. This animal fossil print has not undergone significant changes in shape since the Devonian period (400-250 million years ago) compared to its present form, although it is not the same type. The Javanese call Mimi for the male gender and Mintuna for the female. This animal is monogamous, so it is often used as a symbol of the eternity of husband-wife couples. The British know it as the horseshoe crab or "horseshoe crab" because of its shape which is considered to be like a horseshoe.
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This is all I can say more and less I apologize, hopefully it will be useful for me, and hopefully it will be useful for all readers in general, thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to follow and vote for my posts. , and one more thing, don't forget to share this post with other friends.

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