Why you love Dogs?

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Dogs are the most loyal & faithful domestic animal on the earth.They loves you, entertaine you, protect you. I am a dog lover. I have also a dog & his name is BOB. I love him a lot. We spent a lot of time together. In the morning we go for a walk. When i am with him i fell very fresh.

Dogs are very intelligent. Every countries special force use them for any investigation. In a way you can call them as investigor. When i am not in at my home. My dog bob takes his full responsiblity to protect my house.

If any unknown person try to enter my house he barks st them.the most heart touching thing to me. When i back from my work place & met he jumped & give a hug to me.
Image link:https://pixabay.com/images/id-3042751/

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