Ways to stay well.

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

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Who does not want to be good! But life is a struggle. Everyone has to struggle hard to survive. As a result of always going through various struggles, sometimes there is a lot of frustration in life. Depression makes the body feel tired and the mind does not feel good. If you are not good yourself, you cannot keep others good.

  1. You have to walk 10 to 20 minutes every morning. And you have to try to smile when you walk. If you are smiling while walking in the morning, there will be no more horrors throughout the day.

  2. Try to stay silent for at least 10 minutes every day. At that time you have to think of yourself quietly or keep your mind calm. That could be, in the morning
    Before waking up or going to bed at night. One word.
    3.You have to wake up every morning and pray to the Creator. As the day goes well, no obstacles come in life.
    4.To keep the body healthy, you should start the morning with green tea. Again, you cannot eat too much green. You can eat one to two cups throughout the day. With that you have to drink enough water. So that the body's kidney function and digestive capacity are right. Also have a few wood nuts for breakfast. And to keep the body fit, broccoli should be included in the list of vegetables.

  3. People do not talk to the pressure of daily work. We have almost forgotten our neighbors. It is but a very bad sign from the health just. Laugh and talk to at least three people every day.

  4. Most people pay more attention to rumors. As soon as we hear who has taken the ear, we start running after the crow. There is no time to look at one's own ears with one's hands, whether one really has ears or not, the mind is burdened by hearing these rumors. Besides, any memory of the past becomes upset. We make the day worse by this kind of negative thinking. It can never be done. Always believe in yourself.

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