What word describes the essence I wish to experience in my life, and how do I experience that quality now?

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

I am feeling connected to this topic right now because at this point of time in my life it is very relevant and may be it is a sign from the Universe asking me to reflect and move ahead.

The One word that is coming up instantly to my mind right now is "ACCEPTANCE"

I am an HR professional and I quit my full time job around 5 years ago and that was a forced quit since I moved to another country to settle with my hubby. So in my mind I was not ready to give up my job which I enjoyed passionately. After that I never got a full time job in the new country due to it's rigid laws against expat women working. But I did manage to get part time HR assignments with companies.

Gradually I realized that I would like to go slow and not prefer taking up many projects, so eventually I discontinued with all of them and just keeping one, which is on a ongoing basis and on part time basis. I have been happy doing this work till like 3 months back.


Lately I am observing that this job is not giving me good energy. I have started to find it a bit chaotic and I can feel my energy drain out whenever I am on it. The Covid situation is playing tough on many people in the organization and specially the senior management.

Since last 3 months I have been in contemplation to quit or continue.
Honestly to confess, it gives me a little money that allows me to be independent for my small needs. Not that I cannot survive without it or my hubby cannot support me, but it is just about losing this additional income that I do not want to slip on at this point of time. But at the same time somewhere deep in my Heart I am getting this feeling that there is something else that I need to focus on and that will only come through when I let this one go off.

I have been in a conflict, which side should I get on. But then last week something happened and instantly I decided, that, this is it. I was sitting and talking to a the CEO of the Company and at one instance he said something, which triggered my decision.
It was a direct sign from the Universe that; yes I have to Let this Go now. I do not belong to this frequency anymore. I have been put in such a uncomfortable situation now that I have no choice but to ACCEPT that I need to Let this Go.


Being unhappy and continuing does not make sense, but I was still somewhere trying to come to terms and not accepting my inner guidance which was constantly giving me small triggers. I was in denial and trying to make it work. But now I am very clear my mind that I will move out and move ahead.

Not sure what next will be there, but I am confident there is something in store and just waiting to unwrap. The push and pull within is finally over. Tomorrow I will be letting them know my decision. They may not allow me to wind up immediately, but I am looking at another 2 months max to completely finish and close from my end.

This happens to all of us, when we are not willing to Accept and Let Go and try to go against the force, we get into most uncomfortable spots and then the storm takes us through. The Universe may have better plans for us, all we need is to trust the process, we need to align ourselves with the things we want in life and the Universe will take care of our needs.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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