🌎🌎🌎"What kind of difference do you feel with older or younger generations in your country or community?" 🌎🌎🌎

in blurtlife β€’Β  4 years agoΒ 

India is considered to be a land of culture and traditions. And with that Respect for our Elders is something that is imbibed in us right from our childhood times.

India also has a culture of living in joint families where 2 or even 3 generations live together all their life. This in a way is beneficial in some ways and sometimes it is also a problem creator, but then it also depends on individuals behavioral patterns.

Well I have lived for 40 years of my life with the older generation in my space and I must say that though I have had difference of opinions with them on many matters but overall it is like a blessing living with them, because at every step of life I have received their guidance which comes from their experience of life and that is the most valuable part of them.
Personally I have not felt any difference with them as I have always found them very accommodative. Rather I have always enjoyed having them around. My Mother when she is around, it is very delightful for me. And whenever she is around I feel safe, she is always there for any advice that I need.


Personally I feel the older generation brings in lot of experience and expertise. When my Mother in law was around I would have galore with food. She would make some very traditional dishes and we would all relish it so much. After she has gone we miss that part so much.

But the other side of it is, that sometimes they bring their age into the picture and manipulate, which is one thing that I do not like. I have experienced both sides of the coin. One thing I do not understand is, and this is specially with the older people in my country. They think that no matter what their behavior is but the younger people should always respect them. In joint families this becomes a big issue. For me Respect is earned and not demanded. Just with one getting old one does not deserve respect. And the other thing is gaining sympathy because of old age.

Indian culture has always taught it's younger generation to respect elders but that does not mean that even when one does shabby acts one has to be respected. Just because you are old does not make you right always, that's the character of the person that defines.

Well that was on the older generation. Coming to the younger generation. For me they are always very delightful to have them around. Space becomes energetic and vibrant with their presence.


Specially I see that the younger generation now is much more smarter, ambitious and also that they want to explore life in many dimensions. I like that zeal of theirs. I remember when I was very young at average I must have had half the IQ of what today's younger generation has. They are much smarter and also have the ability to quickly grasp. It is also because exposure is much more, availability of resources is much more which equips them very well.

I have my Son's friends coming over home all the time and when I talk to them I feel amazed by their knowledge at such young age.

The main difference that I see between the 2 generations is that the Older ones are very emotional and most of them are not able to digest the new rapid changes in the world, whereas the Younger generation is very practical and they do not want to get into unnecessary emotional stuff. This creates a conflict between the two, because the older people take the practicality as uncaring and the younger people take the flow of emotions as blackmailing...hehehe.

Right now I am at my mid life and I enjoy both the sides having the older people around as well as having the Younger generation around. I think each person's experience on this one is unique and it has not got much to do about Country, but more about personal cordiality that defines the experience.

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