🌎🌎🌎"What is something that fascinates or interests me about another culture or country?" 🌎🌎🌎

in blurtlife β€’Β  4 years agoΒ 

My fascination and interest about other Countries Cultures.

Every part of the world is unique and there is so much to explore but yes as per our individual nature there are some which we get most attracted to and one such place for me is "South America"

In South America, Brazil, Amazon Rainforest, Peru and Bolivia are the places that fascinate me the most. The local life in these regions is still something which is from the olden days and they have preserved their indigenous nature of lifestyle. I want to live in the Amazon Rainforest for a few days and experience the life with the locals out there. The Shamanic culture is what interest me the most. Shamans are the traditional native healers in the region. They basically work with herbs and water and also play drums and flute for healing. Their healing is not only limited to physical level but also at a mental, emotional and spiritual level. They are also known as witch doctor's by some. Their healing powers and capabilities are amazing. Their healing abilities and remedies all from nature is something that I want to explore. The knowledge that the Shamans have in the region is just so mesmerizing.


I also want to take the Ayahuasca and other local medicines experience in that place. The other site I would like to visit is the Machu Pichu site which is known for it's high energies and also the Inca temples in the place. It would be so much fun to stand there and experience the energies of that place. Machu Pichu is also called as the Spiritual Centre of the world. The energy of Machu Picchu comes from a very powerful β€œenergy vortex”, Kundalini which is the powerful and profound energy of the Mother Earth and the same energy also exist in our Human bodies in the form of Kundalini and Chakras. I want to experience this and want to understand how the local people there use it in their day to day lives.

A lot of people visiting this place have experienced the high energies and transformed their lives. It would be such a profound experience visiting this place and I so much want to visit it.

These are some that my Son had picked up during his travel. Their interpretation is interesting and this intrigues me more to know of their culture further.




I find the whole of that region very native and they have so much of their culture deeply rooted in the ancient times. The indigenous life and culture of this region I want to experience.

I have always got attracted to places which have some deep history of the very ancient times, right from the times of Sumerians, so all such places are of my interest.
The other one place that fascinates me is Italy where art, architecture, fashion, opera, literature all come together.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ

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Β  Β· Β 4 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Great post, keep sharing

Β  Β· Β 4 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Thank you