Some Relations are made in Heaven

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

Having that one special person in our life who we can call Best Friend is the luckiest part of our life. How many of us have that 1 person with who we can share anything and everything, with who we are just ourselves, with who we can share all our craziness, who knows the dark and the bright side of us and accepts us as we are. Only a Best friend can do that.
I have been lucky to have such 1 person in my life, my best best bestie.....
It is a 21 years old friendship now and we have been through our thick and thins together.
We got to know each other at our first job, we had almost joined together and in a very short span we connected and became very good friends, from then it all started.

Over a period of time our bond got stronger and we did not even realize when we became best friends for each other. After work also we would spend a lot of time together, going for shopping, walks, parties. Eventually our friend circle also became the same. It was like every single day we had presence of each other in our life and we became inseparable.

I had never had a friend so close in my life till I met her and for her also it was the same. She was the active one, I was the dull one. I would laze out, whereas she always would look for adventure, as rightly said opposite attracts, so was the case with us. Our friendship grew to a stage whereas people started telling us we look alike. Sometimes I feel she is my soul mate or someone very close at soul level.

That's both of us, made for each other

We both were going through major downs in our lives that time and we both were like pillars of strength for each other. Then 9 years ago came a time when we had to part our ways. She got married and moved to London. I suddenly felt life became empty. For a long long time I was lost, did not know what to do. I had other friends, but non like her, and I would keep looking for her in all my friends but never could find anyone like her. It was the same with her as well. For hours we would talk on phones, filling up our empty spaces and missing each other. But with distance and time we both had to accept the reality and move on.

At one of our office parties

After she left there was lot of emptiness and already life was in doldrums and that was the time when my journey began in the healing space. Life was very beautiful with her around, and then suddenly everything became so dull. We made it a point to meet once a year, so alternate years we would travel to spend time with each other. I would skip some times because she enjoyed coming to India more than me going to London.

It's been 2 and a half years that we have not met each other and now she has a hectic job so our phone calls have also reduced, but we miss each other the same way as 9 years ago. Life is strange, first it brings people close to you, make them everything for you and then creates distance for you with the same person, and gives you the pain of separation.

We were always together

I have never been able to be so close to anyone after she left and neither she, our bond was special, it was made in heaven and I don't think such beautiful things in life happen again and again. Though physically apart we are still together mentally and always missing each other.

This was her last bday party we celebrated before her marriage

After she left, life changed completely, and I know it will never be the same again

This was the last time we met 2 1/2 years back

It's a relation filled with pure Love, Love and only Love

Sometimes my heart cries to hug her tight and feel that warmth of true friendship. It is rightly said that Families is just not about blood relationships, it's about having those people in your life who accept you for the way you are, and she truly is one such god sent family member in my life. The best days of my life were with her. Now we wait for the chaos to ease and then we plan to do a holiday together to Amsterdam....I am so much looking forward to that.

Thank you for visiting my blog.* 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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