Overdose of Information and News

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Don't we feel that these days we are overloaded with information and news which actually is more confusing to decide as to what to believe and what not to.

As a child I remember we had just 1 news channel on T.V. and it used to show News twice a day which covered almost everything and the best part of it was the news anchors presented themselves in a very dignified manner. Whereas today if we see the news, the news anchors are like shouting trying to put their point across and it feels more chaotic then anything else. Endless number of debates and some bizarre things happening. News anchors like Arnab goswami in India have taken down the whole meaning of providing news from level 10 to level 0 and not only him, but almost all of the news anchors these days do the same.

What do I see in today's news? Either they are criticizing or fighting amongst themselves, or they are focusing on things which makes no meaning. Forget the content part of it, that's like stooped to another lows, just even hearing them is annoying these days. Its like one news and some 10 tv channels running to cover it and then they would add all spice to sell it out. So damn crazy. I am not even talking about the sold mainstream media here, that's another disgust and shame. All that they want to do in increased TRP in whatever manner they can.


And then there are these other channels of information also, the WhatsApp, YouTube and Facebook university these days. Endless number of messages in a day that circulates. I do not even read them, nowadays I straight away delete all of this. Maximum news is fake news, I guess someone just creates something as per their own whims and fancies and then it gets circulated.

Just one e.g. a couple of days back I received 1 video, where one man claims that he tried to find out the price of petrol production cost with BP. He was making some claims like, I was denied this information and then I threatened the CEO to give me this information under the Right to Information act in India. The CEO got scared and then gave this information that the production cost at an average is 8 to 10 Rs. Litre and against which the government charges 80 Rs. This was something I was not able to digest, so I have a friend who works in one of the Oil production companies at a good position. I decided to check with him and he did share with me complete details where in the same production cost would be nothing less then 40 to 45 Rs. What crap. Sometimes I really think how do these crazy people get such ideas to do such things, don't they have some better work to do?

It's like today anyone can make any news and circulate and then there are people who blindly believe in whatever comes through them. It is also very surprising that educated people with good sense also fall prey to such type of news.


Our inquisitive mind needs to know all, but then we should know what to filter and what to retain, else we will end up consuming a lot of garbage. Also on the spiritual side of it, these type of news take away lot of our good energy, it brings down our energetic frequency. Also a continuous pattern of news will start playing with our subconscious, by repeating the same messages again and again in different ways the media people in hypnotic way they implant beliefs in our heads, after all that's what they are paid for and that's what they sell themselves for. So the best is to, till the time one is able to analyze and decode the information from a state of neutrality one should avoid consuming these toxic news.

News channels are banned in my home :-), In my house everyone is allowed only to watch shows which are related to travels, lifestyle, nature and food...hehehe. It's much better that way for our minds.

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