Exposing ourselves to our Fears

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

There was an interesting article that I was reading on How to cope up with Fears. The one interesting point that came across is and yes, I do feel that it is very effective in dealing with this issue, which is exposing your own self to your fears.

Isn't that true? When you push yourself more and more towards something that you are not comfortable with or you are running away from, eventually you will reach a point where you will get accustomed to it and what seemed to be staring right in your face will become friendlier to you. It's just like if someone has any kind of phobia, for e.g. a water phobia, I am giving this e.g. because as a child I had water phobia, specially the rains and I would never want to step out of my home if it's raining, but now I am in love with the rains, I do not fear it anymore, and that's only become possible by continuously facing it and not running away from it.

There are some fears which we really dread to face, especially the fear of darkness, the fear of the unknown. Majority of us must have heard some or the other ghost stories and when you hear these stories the pattern you will see is that they are only brought out at night time. And many people fear darkness because of the fear of seeing some ghost at night. But when you face it regularly you will know that you do not keep seeing ghosts every time it gets dark, right?


The fear of public speaking is another one common fear, the best of the people tremble when they get on the stage and they lose words, all the preparedness goes for a toss. But that happens in the first few times, if you do not succumb to it and do not give up on it, you will see that over time, you will become efficient in it and then it will be one common activity.

The fear of height, which I have till date, and I know I have not addressed it. I haven't really felt a need for it, but for sure this creates some blocks for me. There are some fears which we know are there with us and there are some which we are not even aware of unless we are faced into that situation.

All these fears are psychological issues, if we keep exposing our- self to them again and again, eventually we realize that we are able to manage them. There are many many types of fears, and when we do not address them, they start creating anxieties within us. The level of anxiety will also depend on the types of fears we have. E.g., it gets dark every night, so the person who has fear of darkness will have more anxiety compared to a person who has fear of heights, because not every day you are going to go and stand on a height or face that situation, so the level of anxiety will be lesser than the one who has fear of darkness.

When I was very young, I never had fear of darkness but my sister had it, and every time at night if she had to use the washroom, she would wake me up to go with her, because the washroom used to be far from where we slept. Over a period of time, I noticed that I also started getting into that mode, and then I would also not want to go alone at night to the washroom, so I started waking her up as well. As I grew up, I realized that at one point of time I was never scared and I am now, so again it was more about confronting it and dealing with it, which thankfully I could overcome. So, this is my learning experience that fears can also be passed on from one to another, and if you are vulnerable, you can easily get into the grip of it.

Our fears are our subconscious blocks, the unaddressed areas of our life. Fears can emerge from any time in this lifetime, even from the womb, and even from the past life experiences. It is very difficult to sometimes understand the root cause of it, especially if it is coming from any past life trauma, then a regression session helps in confronting the underlying situation.

There are many ways to deal with fear, but I personally feel this is the one that is most effective in healing. It addresses the issue at root level and brings you out from that frequency.

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