Its time to spend some days at home❤

in blurtlife •  11 months ago 

Coming back home after a long time away can be such a special and heartwarming experience. It's like a warm embrace from my loved ones and a sense of familiarity that instantly brings comfort and joy.

After being away for a month, the anticipation of seeing my parents, siblings, and my sweet home must have been building up inside me. The excitement of reuniting with my loved ones and being surrounded by the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of home is truly incomparable.I was feeling life this one month was equal to one year....obviously a person cant live without parents..and this was soo tiring for me so i am having a sense of peace while coming bck to my sweet home.

As I walked through the door, I bet I was greeted with open arms and big smiles. The hugs and laughter must have filled the air, creating a warm and loving atmosphere that instantly made me feel at ease. Specailly ahug from my mother, trust me i was missinf it badly abd at the moment i was feeling muself in the heaven. There's something so special about the connection I have with my family, and being able to share stories, catch up on each other's lives, and simply spend quality time together is priceless.

And let's not forget about my sweet home itself. The place where countless memories have been made, where I've laughed, cried, and grown. The walls hold the echoes of my laughter, the floors bear the weight of my footsteps, and the rooms are filled with the love and warmth that only a home can provide. It's a sanctuary where I can truly be myself, surrounded by the things that bring me comfort and happiness.

As I settle back into my routine, I'm sure I'm finding joy in the little things that make my home special. Maybe it's the smell of my favorite home-cooked meal wafting through the air, or the cozy corner where I like to curl up with a good book. Perhaps it's the familiar creak of the stairs or the view from my bedroom window that brings a sense of peace and tranquility.

Today my elder sister cooked special meal for me.My all time favourite cutlets with green chilli and yummy fried fish.



Trust me these cutlets and fried fish were the best in the world for me.They were truely yummy with a little bit extra spices.
For evening, we had noodles.Again my all time favourite knor chat pta noodles...


Coming back home also gives me the opportunity to reconnect with my roots and appreciate the beauty of my surroundings. I mentioned earlier that I enjoyed the mountains covered in snow. I can only imagine the breathtaking views and the crisp, fresh air that must have accompanied my trip. It's moments like these that remind me of the wonders of nature and the beauty that surrounds me.

These days i gonna stay at hone for a bit longer but i am sure these days are gonna pass always happens, staying at hostel even for a month seems equal to a yeae but staying at home for a week seems like an eye click.All happens so quickly that my heart aways desires for more holidays to stay at home with my parents and to enjoy home made delicious meals.
Well its ok, i know i am gonna enjoy these days too much. But i am too much worried too, about my younger sister. Yes now she is alone in that hostel room and today she told we that she is not feeling well....hearing this i am feeling worried about her. ....may she get well soon.

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