I Won A Gift Hamper From Telenor.....It was a wonderful day

in blurtlife •  11 months ago 

Let me share a beaitiful memory of a wonder ful day.On a random day my sister told me that today she saw a stall seling free telenor sims and in return giving passes or tickets for a comedy and qawali show.She bought a sim and aksed them to give her two passes...one for her and one for me.
I was really excited to go.Because during my univeristy life ,my friendz never agreed to go to the other campus of univeristy for these kinda shows...and today i enjoyed the day with mu sister and surprisingly i won a gift hamper too...

But before telling what was inside this bag...let me tell you about the day....
Well we went to the new campus for attending that show...we were ancious too because usually there too much crowd on these kinda shows but suprisingly we reached the hall we were shocked to see that there were only a few people sitting on the seats.Actually we reached there an hour before the actual timing...yes ofcourse we had to grab our seats...
On the mean time we came to know that thw functions is late abour half an hour...we said its ok....during that time they displayed the adds on the screen..so we wacthed that same add for about an hour....its weired i know...:)


and finally the show started.....started with the nme of Allah Almighty and then with some beuatiful NAATS...for naats they invited a famous personality Tariq rauf roofi...
Oh my goodness his apperance we telling everything...the peace and the magic he spread in the hall....with his beautiful and peaceful voice was really heart touching...At one point my eyes wete literally filled with tears....Like literally his voice was casting a spell in the hall. There was complete silence from the audience and only his loud voice was on the speakers.He was reciting those naats with such devotions that i myself was feeling that devotion too...

Next came three comedians...one of them was reallu funnY.Oh my goodness i laughed alot .. that my cheeks got numbed.yeah i literally laighed this much...
One of them was asking some funny questions from audience and in responce to the correct answer he was giving the gift hampers arranhed by the telenor team.I didnt expcted but suddenly he came to me and asked me to speak the names of all the provinces of punjab in a single breath.I didnt even thought about anything and yelled all the names in just a click....O goodness...he gave me the hamper and went for other questions from the audience of other side...at that time i was happy plus shocked beacuse all this happened in just a minute....
In my gifter hamper there we different items like a sketch diary, a water bottle, t shirt, a cute key ring, pen.All these things were themed on telenor colours...yeah sky blue and white.
Well after that there was time of lucky draw....
There were diffetent prizes like laptop, motot bike, muge and many gift hampers.Lucky were those two persons who got laptop and a motor bike...
Then came QAWAL's ....
There was literallu the magic in their voice but i an not a qawali type person so we decided to come back to the hostel...also we spent there 4-5 hours so it was time to go...as we were really very hungary.

In short, we really enjoyed the day.I guess we should always grab the opporunity to enjoy days like these.Because life is too short ...its totally up to us wether we spoil it or enjoy it.

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