A well spent random day. Having peaceful days of my life at my home.

in blurtlife •  11 months ago 

Well, let me tell you about a morning I had recently. I woke up bright and early, feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. After offering my morning prayer, I headed to the kitchen to help my sister with breakfast.

We decided to keep it simple, so I grabbed two bananas and an apple from the fruit basket. I love starting my day with some fresh fruits, as they give me a burst of energy and are packed with nutrients. Plus, they're so easy to grab and enjoy on the go! Because i also know, an apple a day keeps the doctor away....hahahahah

My sister made some fresh tiast and half fried eggs .Sitting down at the table, we enjoyed our breakfast together. The sweetness of the bananas and the crispness of the apple complemented the savory eggs and buttery toast. We chatted and laughed, savoring each bite and sipping on our hot cups of coffee.

After breakfast, I felt energized and ready to take on the day. It's amazing how a simple and wholesome meal can set the tone for the rest of the day. It's moments like these that remind me of the importance of family, good food, and starting the day with gratitude.

For dinner guess who was the cheff...obviously only me. One time, I decided to try making roti for the first time, and let me tell you, it was quite an adventure! My first attempt wasn't perfect either, but I didn't let that discourage me. I kept trying, and by the third try, I finally nailed it!
Here comes my first attempt:
Here comes my second attempt and i know its close to perfect:
Here comes my third and perfect try:


There's something so satisfying about getting better with each attempt and seeing the progress we make. It's all about the learning process and having the determination to keep going. And when we finally achieve that perfect roti, it's such a rewarding feeling!

Cooking is like a journey of exploration and experimentation. We try new recipes, make mistakes, learn from them, and improve along the way. It's all part of the fun and excitement of being in the kitchen.And i just love cooking. I never get tired of cooking. Its like refreshing myself.
To satisfy my mid night craving i ate these fresh pomegranate.

This was all about my today. It was totally a random day but a peaceful too. Oh goodness i enjoying my days at home❤.

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