My reaction to the 10 lies of Contemporary Culture

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 


Rycharde shared the Commencement Address at the Franciscan University by Dr. Peter Kreeft on this post. In the speech there are ten lies addressed that people in our world hold on to so tightly they miss the truth.

"Figures don't lie but liars figure."

As I was watching his commencement address some examples for each lie crossed my mind.

1. You can be whatever you want to be.

Nothing can be what it is not. That's the law of noncontradiction.

Hobbits cannot become wizards only better or worse hobbits.

Enjoy the comedy even if it is tragic.

This lie was the slogan for the army recruitment commercials in the 1980s. I was almost convinced to join up to pay for my college education. If I had joined up back then I would have probably been sent to Iraq.

I could not be whatever I wanted to be. Instead I became more. I became the person that God wanted me to be.

2. The most important person in the whole wide world is you.

The song everyone sings when the enter hell is, "I did it my way."

This song is from the "Electric company". It sounds good but it's totally a lie. It's food for disgruntled postal workers and the mindset of mass murderers.

It's important to realize that you are special, but it is more important to become actualized as an individual with a specific place and purpose in this universe.

3. The world needs you or you can save the world or at least Western civilization or the culture.

The real party animal is the jackass

Mighty Mouse is great and I love the underdog, but even Mighty Mouse cannot solve all the world's problems. We need to reach out beyond ourselves.

4. You need education in creative thinking interpreted as thinking that creates a new reality

You are the creator of truth not it's discoverer and servant.

This is a big one today with the Meta verse and ultra role play games, but creative thinking does not create a new reality. The reality is still the same. There is a moment of escape but everything catches up. Addictions eat a way at the soul until one is as sick as Elsa, "Let it go".

5. You need education in critical thinking, not the search for any positive truth, but a negative skepticism towards anything that claims to be truth...

except for the truth you yourself created with your own creative thinking.

There are too many critics and not enough critical thinkers. They just unconditionally criticize.

6. The lie of spiritual pacifism

All peace is good including God, the spirit and the devil. If anyone comes calling we must welcome him and invite him in dialog. If all peace is good then all war is evil including war against greed lust and pride.

Everything is not good. There is good and evil. The devil never says, "I want to own your soul and rip apart your relationship with God and people".

Instead he is like the camel who just parks his nose inside the tent.

7. Peace and Justice.

Everyone is for peace and justice. If you want peace; seek justice. Don't forgive them. Demand justice and nothing more.

The roadrunner and coyote have been at it for years. The coyote knows there is no way for him to win but he is set on eating the roadrunner. In the end he does get justice and with a bang.

8. The exultation of openness as the supreme good and the end of ends.

Your mind will become so open that all your brains will fall out.
An open mind is an excellent means but a bad end.

If you leave your mind wide open anything will enter in. It's like the old lady that opened her mouth and swallowed a fly. I guess she will die.

9. All you need is love sweet love.

All you need is love not truth or discrimination. All discrimination is evil especially the discrimination of good and evil. Can't be wrong if it feels so right.
Love cannot stop warring against hate.

Adenoid Hynkel "felt" it was love that kept him busy. But feeling love is not the same as truth. His feelings were ruled by his vanity.

10. The exaltation of freedom as an end rather than a means.

This is the land of liberty, but for what?

Freedom without limits seems promising, but should I dare say it?

With great power comes great responsibility.

Dr. Peter Kreeft's 2022 Commencement Address

In the end all lies die. The truth alone remains.

God did not put you in this world to be successful. He put you in this world to be faithful.

Mother Theresa

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I especially liked number 10. That's why I think that too much of anything is not good at all. We should set the limits between intelligence and craziness.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Most lies are meant to comfort people, not make them worry but will bite them like a venomous snake in the end. Also people hates the truth sometimes because it opens their eyes that they are in a bad situation, hurts their feelings and does not want to accept it. @mineopoly

That is why most people hates the true teachings from the bible because it reveals the truth. Like for example john the Baptist always criticize Herod for divorcing his wife and marrying his niece and cost him his head by the power of King Herod instigated by his wife/niece Herodias.

My church minister is also hated by many opposing religions like some Catholic's worship and or use of graven images because even making those is already a sin let alone putting them on an altar to worship, so people hated him for that but some of course realized that he is telling the truth and changed their ways if not being not that active anymore in the Roman Catholic religion which is always anti to the teachings of Jesus from the bible.

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Good you expanded on your comment - looked worth a post!

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