What Did Jesus Do? What Will Christ Do?

in blurtlife •  last year  (edited)

Answering some questions requires you to pretend that you are a milk drinker.

Asking others helps to discern the meat-eaters amongst the swirling herds and flocks.

Here I am over on the blockchain with some true prophets being completely ignored and appreciating the years-long cloak of your miscalculations.


These arrows are beyond many of you currently.



So the DIA contractor who was ordered to identify as the Future Space Force Commander and is being out through paces to either get that job or flame out on it asks ‘What Would Jesus Do?’

I’m not answering the question of what would Jesus do for anybody in writing or video response. I look forward to the day when the comms posture allows me to have a campfire with @AR17 to discuss this question exactly. I hope to have @frankbacon the vetted werewolf there for the conversation. A harmonization of language session.

Maybe @AR17 can bring his mom and she can meet @frankbacon’s mom.

Operation SteinBart Simpson.

The kid rides the Dirt Bike.

Nobody should be getting their feelings hurt. More than one operator is receiving their comms currently and moving forward. If you aren’t one then it’s probably time to find yours. Stay close to them and buckle up.

One thing He would have done is warned the Pharisees. Matter of fact if you go by what is written and step away from the kitty dish…

He would have fashioned an instrument of judgment for Himself in order to clear that temple.

He sat there and twisted those cords into a whip while glaring at those charging for His Father’s wisdom in His Father’s house.

He did also warn the Pharisees. 👇🏽

Austin Steinbart is Quantum. Woe (And Mercy) To You Pharisees!


I did use that question in a piece I wrote a couple years ago in dedication to the Q Shaman. I know some shamans myself. Some of my favorite people to harmonize language and teachings with.

What Would Jake Do?

Is nobody going to warn the Q Shaman about the Flynn handlers and/or handled that are involved in his media operations?

The same camera holders and jealous helpers that derailed efforts for years while @AR17 was under the restrictions and attacks he has clearly acknowledged?

Magneto and Captain America still separate universes but the villians are starting to cross over….


Putting a costume on and building a following makes you a shepherd. A leader.



Find somebody who looks at you like Luke Winegarden looks at every single celebrity he can get himself next to.

He boasts like an adoring groupie that @AR17 tells him he loves him and that his ‘net work is his net worth.’

I’m calling bullshit. I have this game I play behind the scenes with @eatdrinkbemary. We call it fed or friend?

Luke Winegarden is knowingly leaving a woman behind he claims to love. A woman @AR17 has met.


Luke Winegarden suppressed my messaging and used me as a prop when I was homeless in his city.

Luke isn’t the only one claiming leadership role.


I had my flip tables moment smack dab in the middle of an intel media recruiting practice run. Three years ago now. Luke was there. QAnon John got made there. Jordan Sather was coordinating on the phone with Dylan Wheeler and Brian Gamble who were both there. Jacqueline was there. Sound like a Flynn operation to anybody?


So I’ve been embedded you could say for a while now. As I keep my eye on those I have been assigned there are disturbing phenomenon occurring. Of course as the COSTA triage team never paused from the green lights given there.

Ignore or address isn’t something that has to stay veiled.

The Truth cleaves.

Think lion being set free kinda memes.

We have men and women down behind enemy lines. Some of those are restrictions imposed and some of those are patience and grace.

Jesus said he did not come to bring peace.

He said He came to bring fire and division.

Fire refines.

These media friends of the operator we know as Austin Steinbart… he isn’t drinking milk anymore.

This meat eater knows that meat eater would not leave this damsel in distress as we have both discerned her in person.

Here and in the future.

Christ knows them by their fruits.

Austin knows what a Pharisee is. He didn’t when they told him to say it. Huh. Perspective.

I covered that during my conversation where I told him I only did media to destroy mockingbird media. That I would never become it.

How many of you made the kid the same promise back in the Baby Q era of this fictional narrative?

Somebody have Luke Winegarden contact my secretary so he can take some direction from her.


Save yourselves.

I know Austin appreciated this video because he told me that he and Kiley both enjoyed it. We all worked for free. Some worked for goals and some worked against.

Might be a good reminder for some of you rising stars.


Old content is so cringe for me to review. The stories behind just this one clip coming to FRUIT-ion.

Share some cringe with me, Luke.


Not very Christ like to Riddle?


Rebuke me with the Biblical playbook.

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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)


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5:25:25     5:55:55



I'll get there ^^^ soon, but ...

the internet has been a weird F**King place for the past 5 years



and GHOST 😂

  ·  last year  ·  


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PINE Cone 🥓

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)


Wordless loving. Noted, dear.



  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Operation. 👏🏻 SteinBart 👏🏻 Simpson


Save yourselves.

  ·  last year  ·  

I M Saved
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and backed up 🥓

You are who the cheerleaders captors should fear.

  ·  last year  ·  

suffering's optional 🥓

Fear is the beginning of wisdom.


Pain is predicted for those who without wisdom.


  ·  last year  ·  


is a play 🥓

I'm trying...


I know it's soon...

Oh I know imma get there now



The QBQ. Laid down and caught FBI fleas.


Mugshots and Alex Cifelli teamed up with Luke just a couple months later. You remember, @eatdrinkbemary.


It's a pleasure to meet you - part 2

Oliver Anthony Music
679K subscribers
1,148,237 views Aug 25, 2023

  ·  last year  ·  

When Will anons realize you cannot win a war without taking the ground. Follow me infantry. Boots on the ground has to happen ahead of victory.


Infant lol.


Game Time Amigos.

  ·  last year  ·