Prophet Watch - Shiny Happy Me So Horny Servants To Come?

in blurtlife •  8 months ago 

You can certainly ask yourself who the fuck I think I am.

You won't be the tenth.

I have these conversations with those who pick up the phone and dial the seven digits.


Yo, this Magneto, baby, are you down with it?

Don't understand something I write or say?

Text your identity to my cell and we can discuss it via voice call.

I won't be charging you anything, however. (Balaam's errors!)

I also warn my enemies again again about the just-next-in-line crew that have come before you.

Prophets are my assignment and it doesn't matter who gave the assignment... it matters who has figured out that my operation is not getting cancelled.

I am truly trying to help here.

My family of Morlocks whom I yearn to see soon understand.

Is attention from the Re-Awaken America crew a blessing or a curse?

I have a few I could ask but the universal orders seem to yet stand.

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Those still asking who the fuck I think I am here probably haven't read any of my books. Since we don't put ketchup on hot dogs... I will just tell you that symbolism matters to the Guy I work for.

Revelation 1:13. It is written.

This is an argument I save having with most because many do not even understand any of the symbolism around them or what any of it means.

Symbolism doesn't matter unless you are trying to know The Word.

The Children of God know that symbolism matters.

Depending on where they are in their study and their development of their gifts of prophecy and wisdom...

they also know that we should be looking for Prophets like Moses.

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"The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee..."

I have been watching prophets claiming The Word since delivering my very first warning to a fellow psy-soldier that we really needed to pay attention to the Playbook that my handlers sent me with.

Like most who have followed the Q movement closely, I have followed Jake closer than many know. I was at one time excited about the inextricable associations Jake and his stochastic efforts brought to the table. This was well after being condemened for blasphemy against Praying Medic and my delayed entry into the Austin Steinbart universe as result of my disdain for celebrity.

When I point out the things that bring about the wrath of God to people it is because I want to invite them to avoid the wrath of the Lamb.

Only what is written and what is harmonized with what is written.

The Word has clear rules for those prophets who claim it.

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"And the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses' face shone..."

Michaelangelo sculpted Moses with horns because those who translated the Vulgate edition of the Bible didn't have clear understanding of the way the Hebrew scribes euphemized rays of light.

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The Playbook that a Prophet of The Word operates out of includes the enemy and the Boss described as both lions and morning stars. Don't even get me started on snakes and dragons.

All I am trying to say is anybody seeking to step up and lead should know the rules before claiming the Christ of The Word as their Commander.

(Old Deuteronomy and all.)

I suffered through a Toby Keith concert once but I do not play Who's your Daddy?

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It is definitely much easier to stay true to The Word when you are not a super soldier dealing with oaths and NDAs. It seems all those deployed as super soldiers have the trajectory of their operations altered over time after they become (one of) the chosen explainer of The Plan that we have been sold for so many years.

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Do you believe in Prophetic Visions of the Future?

Not only do I believe in them I was assigned the Playbook for discerning them.

I also have the gift to interpret them for some of my as yet hidden prophets.

Some of us were breaking down the Hebrew language and jamming Busta Rymes just yesterday.

Which reminds me I am now using bold font to conduct my own Q&A so...

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This clip here will serve as a sharpening tool.

There is a BIG focus on 'the Truth cleaves' on the Danger Room schedule these days.

All is fair in love and prophet war, @frankbacon?

I enjoy much of my time harmonizing language and understandings with @frankbacon. Shamanism is one of his favorite topics and eventually a campfire will happen and we can have that triad discussion.

Still can't get any of my prophet friends who get orders from the secret military intelligence operation of which devices they have been forecasting to talk to @frankbacon about my favorite now being fulfilled prophecy of his.

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I know The Word. I was assigned The Word.

This isn't a riddle though I do have those.

I did the dig I was assigned to assist my people.

Symbolism matters to the True Prophets here in Mystery Babylon.

Symbolism should matter to all those claiming to prophesy.

When it is The Word invoked it is what is Written that we have to know Truth.

How else will our flocks discern the anointed from the simply horny?

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"...he had two horns like a lamb..."

There will be a False Prophet that will arise claiming to lead the children of Israel.

There are things He told us ahead of time we should look for.

Will we know what they are so we will know Him when He appears?

Will He recognize His servants?

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

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So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

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As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

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  ·  8 months ago  ·  



