Operation #SaveTheCheerleader Has Arrived

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

I ain’t touching this show for LARPS.

I saw this hash tag coming.

Warned a few.

My Father’s timing as always.


Who besides Jenny Melde obviously and I know about the woman who has been attacked and is now off grid?

Who is MY cheerleader that needs saving today?

I know a guy who knows…


Who the fuck am I to be cracking the whip?

The guy that can help this woman free herself from her snares.

I know @AR17 gonna give a fuck.

You all haven’t figured out there is a campfire coming?



The Bat must still be a bit cloaked.

AR17 has assets and resources and he used to have an audience.

I promise any friend of AR17 has the ability to gather together and #SaveTheCheerleader. I’m not gonna dox the cheerleader today.

Luke Winegarden needs to prove his network is his net worth.

You are good at kissing girl asses, Luke.

You convince my secretary YOU can be trusted. First.

Here’s your moment, Mister America.

You know the kid you so gleefully announce you would lay your life down for would want you to lay your pride aside to #SaveTheCheerleader. The hidden one of his.

Now you are also #SaveTheCheerleader and from what I can tell of supposed friendly media.. maybe your man crush too.

I was told Austin can’t do his job if everybody stops to tell him everything first. People who were there have ability to vouch for that and help an angel on the battlefield.

I didn’t save the last cheerleader by myself.

This one gonna be a doozy if AR17 catches you leaving her behind.


You said ‘psychic connection’ Luke.

Matter of fact you squealed it in delight when you were in person jamming my comms with the kid.

The Lord knows your deeds.

Do you know the comms?




Hard fucking pass on the Harley Quinn LARPs.

Trade you angel rescue missions.

Those young women are not ‘schizo’

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