Los Angeles and San Diego both CIA mindfuck playgrounds these days.
Seroquel says hi.
Didn’t need @frankbacon and his mystery school to know time stamps are important.
Here’s what I got from that day.
Embarrassed as fuck I loved this book.
Guy gets women killed all book long and becomes a CIA hero.
Mockingbird got jokes.
Operation Babygirl fully examined by officials and judges, as we discussed.
That’s from Seroquel too. He’s a lot.
That is just a little of what he has shown me.
This was the first episode it seems.
Here’s sum of my equiva-lance.
Well-Learned Politeness While The Structure Burns?
So much going on. Three job offers. Might take them all.
Gotta see which way @eatdrinkbemary points.
Of course I broke rules. I’m fucking Magneto.
I know Will wasn’t the only target painted.
Coordinating blockchain notes soon.
This is the one that got out.
Spin The Bottle - Throwback Spin
Theatricality and deception.
Amazon has a sci-fi section 2
Tick tock
@ tis good ly

to be locked out of hell
but not blocked from help //
and to fail at dying
not flail in diving
Nice Polka Dots there!
That's no flying monkey.
Ms Trashworthy knows a little about BO(w)s
Thanks, Ms. T.
Controlled V
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