Eriks Sun, Ericsson, Erics Son, Luke’s Net Worth

in blurtlife •  2 years ago  (edited)

The show announcement I was asked for by Marcus Cohen to be published by Seth Iliff in the never produced newsletter that never came. Not the only solicited writing from Truth Or Bust camp that was ignored and dismissed on the Blockchain.

To Kill Mockingbird - Truth Or Bust With Mike Mullens (An SMG Production)

I do not sneak up on people.

Sneaking leads to getting ambushed.


I’ve been begging @ar17 to talk to @frankbacon for a long time.

He elected to keep me in a secret place.

Fine by me.


Tore Says took @ar17 audience while he was in federal prison.

The kid told us there is a competition.



Somebody somewhere sometime figured out Mojo.

Welcome to Earth-616.

I can prove everything you think you hear here.

@ar17 can give me permission to release screenshots between he and I via our text conversations over the past two and a half years since that staff meeting I delayed.

Seems he wants to keep watching the monkeys fuck for now.

Recently told my team… we are all props.


You think I’m seeking clout? Good.

@ar17 knows my appreciation for underestimation.


Hmmmm. Wonder who Mullens had that text conversation with. Seems to be implying clout.

Clout is imagined. @ar17 has allies.

They don’t have 40k followers on Twitter but they know who does.

Intel media for the people.


There is a beautiful and important part of this movement and she seems captured. @ar17 gonna be pissed if we drop the ball on efforts to help her.

She got outside comms. Too.

Anybody friends to @ar17 gets to choose to have faith in me and assist as all built media apparatuses have value to #SaveTheCheerleader and also to @ar17 brinksmanship.

Clearly faith is important to my operation.

I represent the Christ of the The Word round these parts.

Elect not select.

Foolish as fuck here to confound some intelli-gents.

This was 2020. 👇🏽


That I received message has been written about so no broken promises there. I didn’t sneak up on @ar17.

Those who have clue should really be concerned I was deployed against @ar17 as the FBI threw him in prison.

I evaluated all of you in that mindset.


Maybe just a camera holder later but the self implied Field General while @ar17 was locked up.

I gave Penny that title.

The kitchen story Marcus Cohen lies about involved a reminder of that.

Luke Winegarden needs to convince my secretary @eatdrinkbemary that he can be trusted with Truth Or Bust work for @ar17.

Luke knows that Luke doesn’t know but Luke knows that my comms with @ar17 ain’t like the others.

That needs to happen ASAP.

I’m not going to riddle any questions here.

Here are some narrative anchor points.

Pretending to be @ar17’s friend is cancelled.

I told other entire fucking ops this a couple weeks ago.

They are with me while waning some on @ar17.

Of course they are waning on @ar17.

They are watching his perceived media plan.

Look at the comms posture he is currently ‘suffering.’

Good thing he has all these friends having his back.

‘Nuff said though Stan Lee was an intel agent.

Like me.

I remember who called it personal gossip.

Guess who knew better long time? 😎

GT! Anchors away.

To Kill Mockingbird - The Mocking Of @AustinSteinbart And His Supporters

Spin Spin - Spin (The Black Circle?)


@ar17 first Zoom meeting with SMG team upon release involved the no leaving behind of both Jake and Julian.

The contrivance just hung in the air.

To Kill Mockingbird - Viral Viking Guy, His Sister, and Erik Prince Emerging!

To Kill Mockingbird - Finally Relieved Of Lifelog Duty!

To Kill Mockingbird - 5/11 Force Multiplication Day

To Kill Mockingbird - Grateful For Even Painful Outside Comms


Hate the game not the Ready Players.

🚨BREAKING!- Will Sommer Works For Kiley Now!🚨

Shadovvision has been Steinbart friendly media since October 2020 when he joined us while we went boots on the ground.

No grift there but waiting and watching I’ve been assured.

Tip A Bottle Spin - Let it B?


What Would Jake Do?


@frankbacon gonna be Q?

He wrote this all down before I even got assigned blockchain duty.

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Elect not select. Prepared not made.



Nobody mad but the flag needs returning to @frankbacon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


No risk taking here.


They gave me Godfather long time ahead.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh I'm MAD

we're all mad down here
Screen Shot 2023-08-23 at 10.02.36 AM.png

Here is Austin's Telegram handle if you feel like 'Blurting' in his ear...


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Here is fine

and the dojo of course 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Frank Bacon is Frank Bacon... Remember.


Q is a tool 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

10years ago, I remember how to build stuff in a lab

to break stuff IRL...


Followed myown ad-VICE and RE-BUILT MYOWN HOUSE


Now I have a 6year plan

to finish 🤬🥓

Like little foxes tied together.


Or ninja stars.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Normally I'd hive MY response over there..

But still waiting for A Boss to Show off

X is still the payop...


err... SCI OP 🤬🥓

Fiction of law.jpg

"Your God sent us to destroy"

Elon isn’t helping here. I’m not betraying the kid, Elon.


I’ve never tipped John.

Gave him a bunch of tips.

Seen him tipped more than once.

Just the tip? Ewwwwww. Can’t we just be friends?

Oh yeah. General Flynn won’t let you play with me.

When it becomes a contradiction in terms.


QAnon John yet another #SaveTheCheerleader


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Bacon and eggs.png




Operation ⚡️teinBart⚡️Impson.

What the fuck is a fouler’s snare anyways?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Twatter is a Fowler's Snare


X is too 🤬

Starting to feel the same about Telegram.


Nobody needs me. Always remember never forget.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations! 🏆

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Still not sure about Jay Fratt... especially since he has attacked some of my posts & I think he kicked me out of the SMG Telegram Channel around the same time as your falling out with Luke...

Or, did Luke kick me out...? Neither of them have talked to me since...

My falling out with Luke was Luke fucking me over.


He has opportunity to get right. #SaveTheCheerleader

Jay Fratt still around? Fun.

Whose camp is he embedded in now?


@ar17 I don’t have to tell you that they aren’t making this Eazy-E.

(Msg w/Austin Last December) Looks like MJ & Baron of Arizona are promoting EJB hard on your channel and Jay Fratt is his campaign Manager... I'm having trouble seeing him as a serious contender but wanted to hear your thoughts... here is an interview he did with Jay Fratt recently...
