Christ Got Your Girl, Bro! 🇺🇸

in blurtlife •  last year  (edited)

This time Luke Winegarden can blame himself.


Strike fucking three and you walked into my sector.

You miss the times I told you what my Father has me doing?

The wolf in sheep clothing hunting operation has snared a rogue one operating outside of the building churches.

This isn’t even about the wounds received at the house of my friends. Those were the last two rounds of Jezebel driven fuckery through one of her favorite drunken kung-fu puppets.

I was subtle when it was just the intel operation psyop reputation that had to be protected.

Maybe I should have made a video?

Now it’s the women of Christ in San Diego and it’s beaches that need protection from a wolf in sheep clothing seeking to feed on their energy.


He still hasn’t figured out this immutability thing, has he @frankbacon?

So Luke is gonna have to tell people some kind of story to explain why he cut off all support of my ministry and made me remind him as well the penalty of stealing from God. At least I’m lugging my dresser around now as ‘punishment’ for my offense.

I’ll give you a version that will spare you the constant name dropping and bellows of beautiful and important part! of this movement as many have come to expect when Luke meets a new girl.

Let’s not pretend that Luke hasn’t given many of us his own list of transgressions in the pursuit of unrequited love. Along with the names as if it were a belt of skulls hanging off a much more goofy kind of Predator.

Luke will say I am not being very Christian.

That’s because he doesn’t listen.

When I hit town to launch my homeless ministry I explained the dynamic I have explained here. Women are seeking Christ and know He is here while men are still too busy dressing up in Babylonian garments and holding into their Ai programmed addictions.

You should all know that millstone punishment you love for the pedos also applies to the stumbling of all of His children. I am the millstone for those He has given me.

Two weeks as a homeless minister.

Not only am I in your flocks but have found wolves in sheep clothing within your flocks. The junior squads huh? Training them up?

Nothing wrong with a little batting practice while you wolves with buildings figure out how to counter the true prophet at the beach.


I told Luke that women are seeking Godly men and not finding any. Told him I would Bible train him and help him become that so I wasn’t the only guy for Christ meeting the needs of these women. Luke put me in contact with two since I have been here and they are both now under the Protection I have been sent to them with.

Big part of that is handling wolves when they running around in silly sheep costumes near those my Father has given me.

Luke gave me a place to crash for a few nights before I launched my wilderness experience. I appreciated that. He let me talk his ear off about scripture. I appreciated that. He took me on power walks and introduced me to pretty girls as ‘Mike. He’s homeless.’ I appreciated that.

Then he tried to make me complicit with him in an unhealthy, inappropriate effort to hurt one of these very special to Him Spirits.

When a woman says leave her alone… leave her alone.

I have way more joyous duties to attend to in my ministry.

The Lord knows your deeds.





Go ahead. Call me a liar. Call any of them a liar.

Only two sides and I told you who is winning.

The Truth cleaves. Repent.

You mad that Christ got your girl, bro?

You shoulda come to the beach for some seal training like I offered you and the rest of these silly wolves.

I know. You only pretend to care about the homeless when you are with Audra and she is caring about the homeless.


Keep your promise to me and to her.


He who is not with me…

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