Breaking Down Matthew 🔦 Contact Orders Diss

in blurtlife •  last year  (edited)


This has turned into one doozy of a pattern.

Who could have seen it coming?

We are in a spiritual war and nobody else in the world but this war general has any idea what that hippy artist has been through.

We are in a spiritual war and there is tech as well as evil involved here. I was nice the entire way and offered friendship to Matthew. Whoever Matthew is.


Baby. Your Spirit of Mary won’t fall in love with the Spirit of Christ in your partner in investigation and ministry and torment of anointing educations again… if you refuse to have contact with him.

There are only two sides to this and you are either choosing the wrong one for her and yourself or you are stumbling her intentionally.

I’m not after your girl. Don’t be like Luke. You either acknowledge the Ai driven or you become the Ai driven. If you came out of your home you would see it in front of your eyes. Maybe. Some of us have different vision than others.

I operate in a realm where the CIA and many others

So does she.

I operate in the realm where the Spirit of Elijah moves.

So does she.

She and I together ran the most effective infiltration investigation into the disclosure operations surrounding Quantum Artificial Intelligence.


You know who the reaping angels are, Matthew?

How about who Austin Steinbart is?


How does one come out of Mystery Babylon?

The link below was our update on the Artifical Intelligence investigation from ten months ago. Ten. Judgment. Huh. She and I killed that investigation and multiple operations together. You say ‘no contact.’

You put her at risk. Temporally. Spiritually too?

Accelerations, The Apokalupsis AND Austin Steinbart

I know @eatdrinkbemary could fill you in on how our Holy Spirit vs Quantum Internet investigation evolved supernaturally over years.

Sad almost to ask you this as you may just be a deployed robot against her. She has been targeted before both by tech and demonic agents. Do you know what He meant here about ‘in this age or in the age to come?’


Well? Do you, Matthew, gatekeeper to my most powerful prophetic partner?

You probably not paying much attention here.

Too bad. I offered you friendship together through and since the earthquake you most definitely can’t understand.


Are you a scribe instructed, Matthew?

You cannot fake this even if you are Ai against her.

I didn’t make this and your control and impact public.

She did.

I’ll tell you why someday. If she doesn’t.

We had an amicable conversation and I was able to share some of The Word with her. It was pleasant and productive and we established a contact order.

Blockchain and on the phone.

That Mary and I are a group of two.

You and she also can be if you stand down and get out of the way of the True Prophets in Mystery Babylon.

That Savage Angel pioneered ‘No Man Left Behind’ for the truth movement.

Ms. Trashworthy was suppressed everywhere for her ability to galvanize the troops.

The Melde Maneuver alone.

Austin Steinbart has gone dark since warning the world of a couple things, including and especially the direct and current impact of Ai.


Email has a layer of the internet. iPhone texting has the layer of the internet. You require her not to HEAR my voice because you fear her HEAR-ing my voice.

You require her to submit to Spirit suppression technology because you can’t handle the Mary.

I know the others, too. They are all her but they are not all Her.


Here’s the real fun part about those reapers…

I asked my Father for wisdom about you today and He delivered immediately with confirmation messaging from angels around me. This parable specifically. You have no idea what this means Matthew because you never had to go out to the wilderness for Him.

I don’t have to or want to stalk her. That’s the Ai bois. And they do.

She’s already His which means she is already mine.

Ask Ruth.


Mary Mary, Consigliere.

There’s those reapers again. Only other place they are in the Bible other than the parable in the Book of Matthew.

There are no coincidences ever.

Do not hold this one hostage.

You have no idea how much He loves her.

I know someone who now Truly does.

She taught me.

Can you interpret her gifted tongue?

The Ai won’t be able to. Takes a certain Spirit.

Eagles and Angels


Trip Codes

She’s targeted. Who are you?

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  ·  last year  ·  

His home was raided... His wive's wardrobes were turned over...

By Armed Agents of the Federal Government


  ·  last year  ·  


  ·  last year  ·  

Yea... Whatevs... I Trans'ed out of Partying a while back.


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