Accelerations, The Apokalupsis AND Austin Steinbart

in blurtlife •  last year  (edited)

This is a Public Service Announcement.

Finally! I am free to write a direct piece without receipts to the many people who I have spent time with in-person over these past three years.

While speaking with two of my remaining friends, @frankbacon and @theocu today on the old-fashioned voice telephone we discussed a very important message from a very important-to-me-friend.

@theocu called me out correctly after telling me he was very interested in the newest interview from Austin Steinbart. (@AustinSteinbart) He told me to put it on the blockchain for him. Of Course, U!

This is the endorsement that I will be sending to all of my friends and family. You know who you are. We spoke about a lot of things along the journey.

Please take the time to watch this video and know that I have a perspective on this messenger that you do not. I will share some and clarify as this is an endorsement of a message that is surely going to disturb the comfortable.

It is the most important interview a good friend of mine has done in a long history of critical mind blowing disclosure videos

This is the interview he wants everybody to hear. #MeToo

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Once in awhile... a prophet comes along and tells you how things are going to happen instead of spitting ear-tickling slogans to trust some plan they pretend to know.

If you are one of my many friends and family who have not heard anything about a man named Austin Steinbart, and you heard him as a man of truth, then thank you for watching. No need to get bored with the following details and I will hopefully see you in person soon.

Still with me?

Let me get to some clarifications as to my endorsement for those who have been suppressed by the aggressive and persistent attacks on the personality of Mr. Austin Steinbart.

First and foremost, if you have a love for what you grew up believing America could or should be then... you better start rooting for this guy.

My tactical posture has reached a long awaited and anticipated status.

We calling it 'tea' these days, I think.

Let's talk about my perceived obsession with Austin Steinbart. Sharing a little of my perspective on this man's operation is now tactical for me. As always, my tactics have been a series of attempted alley-oops to Austin Steinbart from afar. He is a lot better at ball than I ever was, so I can say it has once in awhile gotten a little like practice with MJ (for my Chicago friends.) Occasionally, I got the Steve Kerr treatment.

This kid is the courageous captain of the truth movement that I watch for some of you. He's earned the respect in the arena.

I offer my friends that will be receiving this video link and blockchain endorsement of message and some data points that have created the snare some watching here are now in.

I ignored Austin's messaging in March of 2020. I did not have the reaction of extreme annoyance many will remember. I knew immediately he was part of the operation in some form or another. These were the days when I was tired of personality and promotion without real leadership. I had a gorilla suit to don and supernatural events I now only share in person.

Months later, I found myself in the middle of an intel media operation that was early on in the recruitment of what would grow into the We The Media / Patriot Voice portion of the Q Anon 'psyop.' They didn't see me coming but they have seen me since. Hiya, guys. New rules as you can see. Anybody got a handle on QAnon John and his comms with me yet? What are the Deep Rig night receipts I have yet to Gamble with? Wasn't cool what you did with my new contacts in Denver, IET. I am still sorry Dylan Wheeler. Jordan Jordan Jordan. When we meet in person...

Everything is a psy-op by the way, my normie friends.

I interviewed with Steinbart Media Group in August of 2020. I told my very close group of Christian activists that I was hoping to force multiply with engagement of the Steinbart Media Group. At worst I intended to find out if the kid was the threat everybody accused him of being.

I was asked "Who do you think you are to question Praying Medic?" and dropped like hot rocks by most of them. The sister that stayed by me made me promise to stay in The Word while I embarked upon my investigation into the quantum internet disclosure. The whole thing was quite unnerving for those of us being stirred in the Spirit by Christ at the same time.

Then they threw Austin in prison. He was about to blow through their media suppression with the addition of social media entity Alice Kennedy to the team. (My friend Ashley. It's a weird world for names 'round these parts.)

So they fucked him and threw him in a hole. The SMG associates I was engaged with in following up on my interview were being handled by some in a hurry and they were sloppy. Knowing at least some of them were working with FBI against us, we decided to change the terrain and went to them.

I sent imprisoned Austin a message explaining that some of his people were comped and I was headed there in attempt to discern the situation. I was hoping he would be out of prison soon and see it.

It became an extended infiltration. The media group does not exist anymore and the gatekeepers to and of Austin Steinbart seem neutralized. If not, let me remind you, I am holding receipts for tactical leverage and telling you that doesn't lessen it. Sorry, family. Can't help but taunt the silly little gooses that monitor and attempot to manipulate. I assure you they are here.

There is no clout in supporting Austin Steinbart. Not only am I aware that many seek the clout associated with future Austin Steinbart but I have had that clout offered to me in Austin's name. Austin himself would never insult me in that way. Those who enforce optimism and imply foreknowledge of things have been at it for years. Some of us have had private conversations about the future of association with Austin and the challenges everybody knows exist for us.

So I spent a week with the SMG crew in October 2020. Fell in love with every single one of them. Sloppy work for an infiltration, I realize. Our partnership continued. Once things got hot in the activism war they took me in and protected me for about ten days. A very humbling experience. During that time, I pledged to protect them as well from the narratives I saw coming. I also made efforts to connect individually with most of the active crew during Austin's time in prison.

I was toasted onto the team and participated in many legal operations to increase awareness of Austin being in a hole. I was asked to do some things that I continue to do this day even though Austin Steinbart has distanced himself from everybody and many of those people continue vatheir own valiant truthing efforts. (Read the fucking Ericsson report already!)

This is getting long and it is really about the message of messenger Austin Steinbart and not my personal gossip. Is it really gossip though when you don't tell it? Ask @willsommer. He is the reporter who I, along with others, wrangled into an interview with Austin Steinbart long ago. The fruits of that long game effort are still ripening.

I received a gematria encoded Trump Twitter time stamped message in front of witnesses in Nov 2020. A guy named Marcus Cohen decoded it on the spot. It was this... Austin cannot do his job if everybody stops to tell him everything first.

I applied the instruction to every effort I have made for this valiant truther friend of mine. WIth that being said, I also believe typing data and deep thoughts into a gematria calculator is playing right into the hands of our enemies.

I was given a donation of $1700 by a woman who goes by 'van by the river lady' as she knew I was headed to Arizona for the second trip. She is a confessed victim of MK Ultra and she cannot finish her LARP without me. Who told you to give me the $1700? I will keep asking until your handlers clue you in as to your role in MY operation.

I have a few more questions regarding that incident for others but you know... tactical lingerings.

I do not even care if this final for now data point irritates those I love to needle. This is the important part of my relationship with this amorphous American trying to save you all from the brink of annihilation...

I discerned him in person. While I have spent time with Austin more than once... there was one time. One time where he actually came to rescue me in a moment that he could have seen as complete impropriety on my part. One time where he and I spoke candidly and without others in the room to monitor. In a place they could not have known he would be. Perspective.

This is for the sister that stayed at the picnic table with me and all the other people who have cared more about the name of Jesus Christ than Austin Steinbart or Buddy Holly when we spent time together.

The age of Artificial intelligence has arrived. I know many of you know it because some of you are actually calling me even with the FISA risk of one or two hop laws. When I had the opportunity at his rescue and grace to petition him and be heard, Austin Steinbart heard me. He is much more than a very effective yet suppressed voice. He is the man that was ordered by YOUR government to disclose 'Quantum Internet' years ago which is the disclosure that is now being rolled out mainstream. His message is true and you should start at's Mind Control page and get lost in the website info from there. Alongside reading your Bible, children of my God.

Years ago, we discussed loosely what I was hoping to do for him in both the short term and the long term future. I also told him that I was doing it at the behest of Jesus. Lots to reconcile there for some but even when I am just gossiping about friends I like to leave riddles.

Send your best, schemers.

It isn't just Austin whose narrative you have to come through me to wrangle.

Time to wrap up some of these LARPs.

Please, family. Watch the interview before they put more of us in holes.

With you or away, I feel His love for some of you.


Some of the work is done.

Some of the Work yet to be done.

If I sent this link to you directly, I yearn to see you soon.

Welcome to the factory.

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