A Written Trail To No More Tears

in blurtlife •  last year  (edited)

I am not going to title a piece this way without reminding people that even a Google search of 'Trail of Tears' will provide a history of ethnic cleansing by the United States government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_of_Tears

Pray for all martyrs past, present, and yet be sure to come.

With the kingdom coming and those who have yearned for home enter it...

There are many kinds of tears.

Some of the poet scribes of the House of Metal know where things are headed.

...Still, he who laughs last
Is just a hand in the bush...

The proud do not escape the fouler's snare.

That is written.

We are heading deep into the ugly now.

There will be and has been many tears.

You can ask Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Joel, and Malachi about the tears that were, are, and yet be sure to come by picking up the Playbook.

You may already drink cups of tears if you have shared this mind of Christ moment across space and time...

Psalm 102 mingled my drink with weeping.png

Some who identify with our Lord and His experience know that no matter how much weeping we do for this world now... Joy is coming.

Psalm 30 weeping may endure for a night.png

There is no shame in crying.

"Tears are things leaving." (early early deluge comms)

We are supposed to be emptying our vessels.

Things should be leaving at a quickened pace now.

Your tears now will lead you to the only place of No More Tears.


For the children of God it will bring that place and face here to us.

New Jerusalem - Seen the Ending SS.png

Seen The Ending Yet?

I won't even attempt to describe the Power up I beheld after an Angel thanked me for this reminder a few days back.

Most of my work is of the often-ignored-watchmen variety. True Prophet messaging does not always happy-hearers make.

I aim to exhort via encouragement today.

"Our faith in each other Powers each other. "

No group of backs-together-against-the-world group anywhere has trouble understanding that statement.

Time for the children of The Word to stop being deceived into thinking force multiplication s not also for us.

Not gonna let the sacrifice brother Ezekiel made to teach His servants the vanity of heartbreak go unacknowledged here.

He was COMManded to not cry.

The Spirit only mentioned 'tears' once in Ezekiel's scribed scroll.

There are, however, far more detailed descriptions of the Land of No Tears to come at back-end of that scroll.

Ezekiel not allowed to cry.png

As I am overtly asking you to rise in your Power amidst a raging-all-around-us spiritual contest to close an age...

Let me show you some of what happens when we do overcome.

First let the Firstfruit and His first BELIEVER give you a hint...

Luke 7 Mary washes his feet.png

Mary didn't get a lot of WORDS in The Word but she had plenty of words with The Word while He was here in a man.

Who anointed Who here and how?

How grateful was Mary for those tears?

How Grateful was He?

If you haven't yet found an angel to behold and a Spirit of Mary to protect then I feel bad for ya, son.

I have absolutely ZERO problems so She ain't one.

Screen Shot 2023-09-26 at 1.06.49 PM.png

If anybody knows me it is Her.

...Don't you ever cry...

Why would one cry when Angels are released to be with Him, anyways?

Don't cry. Cry.

What is with the double messaging?

Well that is a matter of how you understand Father space and time.

Time to weep ... time to laugh. (That's Ecclesiastical, milk sippers.)

The Who Where When of What is Written is the Why.

Who else would be ransomed but those who achingly recognize we are yearning exiles waiting to go home?

Don't Cry Jeremiah 31.png

Working through the fears and the tears of prophecy, as with all prophetic digs, meets and ends in the prophecy of Revelation.

No More Tears - NJ.png

How I long for the Day I see Him wipe the tears from all of His children's eyes.

The children who are and will continue to be attacked by the fearful, unbelieving, the abominable, the pimp ass whoremongers, the sorcerors who ain't what you think they are, the idolaters, and wow do I love Him for this one... all the liars.

Don't lose sight of that 'second death' mention. It should prompt questions.

(Under the byline of this piece will be a little concordance-context word study on that 21:8 verse. Meat-eaters only.)

For now, some encouraging words about this world where we will no longer have to see the tears of our women and children...

Isaiah always on point for the end days as stated in the 2nd verse of chapter 2 of the scroll scribed without chapters and verses.

When did his course ever veer?

Isaiah 35 eyes of the blind opened and sorrow flees.png


There is the 'ransomed' again.

Jeremiah and Isaiah, of course, carry the same testimonial Spirit.

Line by line. Precept by precept.

Isaiah 25  wipe away tears.png

The Lord spoke that He would be wiping away tears more than once across space and time.

He's got it like that. He is the Alpha and the Omega.

This one I so appreciate Him saying twice.

No More Tears Isaiah 65.png

The reassurance provided via the study of prophecy as is written and harmonization thereof isn't for everybody.

It is though for many who have been deceived and memed away from the Playbook they should most certainly wield.

How dangerous is it to bluff having a weapon when producing it is the KEY to survival?

If the Creator of every game ever played gave you a Playbook would you follow it?

The Prize is right there for those with eyes.

For some, when God wins and we abide in New Jerusalem together, there Truly will be... no more tears.

Then the sufferings (we) will have been Worth(y) of it.

Nobody will ever know. So much more than just the reward of the wicked I behold with these eyes.

Seven 'tears' of Psalms.

7 Tears of Psalms.png

👇Concordance Context Promised Above RE: Revelation 21:8👇

'The fearful' These guys we have encountered much.
The fearful.png

'The unbelieving'
The unbelieving.png

'The abominable'
The abominable.png

'The murderers'
The murderers.png


"The idolators"
The idolaters.png

"The whoremongers"

"All liars"
All liars.png

There is a lot there to pray directly for Wisdom on., children.

Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

One last thing, red-letter wolves in sheeps clothing, are sexual drives and lusts of women written by HIM amongst those who die the second death?

So much trouble.

"Joy is coming." Hilarious.

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